Sept 2010 - Present       Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto
Sept 2009 - Aug 2010  University of Toronto at Scarborough
Sept 2008 - Jul 2009    Fudan College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China


Cumulative GPA 4.0/4.0          Also See Transcript
Course average 98/100 
GPA in Math and Stats Courses 4.0/4.0


-CSCA08H Introduction to Computer Programming, Fall 2009 
Taught by Prof. Cathy Jensen [Course Description]

-MAT137Y Calculus
Transfer Credit [Course Description]

-MAT223H Linear Algebra I
Transfer Credit [Course Description]

-MATB24H Linear Algebra II, Fall 2009
Taught by Prof. Xiamei Jiang [Course Description]

-MATB44H Differential Equations I, Fall 2009
Taught by Prof. Lisa Jeffrey [Course Description][Course Website]

-MATB43H Introduction to Analysis, Spring 2010
Taught by Dr. Thuy Pham [Course Description]

-PSCB57H Introduction to Scientific Computing, Spring 2010
Taught by Dr. Brian Wilson [Course Description]

-STAB52H An Introduction to Probability, Fall 2009
Taught by Prof. Mahinda Samarakoon [Course Description] [Course Website]

-STAB57H An Introduction to Statistics, Spring 2010
Taught by Prof. Mahinda Samarakoon [Course Description] [Course Website]

-MATB42H Techniques of the Calculus of Several Variables II, Spring 2010
Taught by Prof. Eric Moore [Course Description] [Course Website]

-MAT301H Groups and Symmetry, Fall 2010
Taught by Prof. Joseph M. Lorimer [Course Description]

-MAT327H Introduction to Topology, Fall 2010
Taught by Prof. Dror Bar-Natan [Course Description] [Course Website]

-STA302H Methods of Data Analysis I, Fall 2010
Taught by Prof. Alison Gibbs [Course Description] [Course Website]

-STA347H Probability I, Fall 2010
Taught by Prof. Philip McDunnough [Course Description] [Course Website]

-MAT334H Complex Variables, Spring 2011
Taught by Dr. Leonid Shartser [Course Description]

-MAT337H Introduction to Real Analysis, Spring 2011
Taught by Prof. Israel Michael Sigal [Course Description]

-STA447H Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011
Taught by Prof. Philip McDunnough [Course Description] [Course Website]

-STA457H Time Series Analysis, Spring 2011
Taught by Prof. Zhou Zhou [Course Description]

-STA414H/STA2104H Machine Learning and Data Mining, Spring 2011
(Cross-Listed as an Undegraduate/Graduate Level Course)
Taught by Prof. Radford Neal [Course Description] [Course Website]

-APM346H Partial Differential Equations, Fall 2011
Taught by Prof. Catherine Sulem [Course Description] [Course Website]

-APM466H Mathematical Theory of Finance, Spring 2012
Taught by Prof. Luis Seco [Course Description]

-MAT477Y Seminar in Mathematics, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
Taught by  Prof. Israel Michael Sigal [Course Description]
Seminar Topic: Advanced Topics on Partial Differential Equations

-MAT457H/MAT1000H Real Analysis I, Fall 2011
(Cross-Listed as an Undegraduate/Graduate Level Course)
Taught by Prof. Almut Burchard [Course Description] [Course Website]

-MAT458H/MAT1001H Real Analysis II, Spring 2012
(Cross-Listed as an Undegraduate/Graduate Level Course)
Taught by Prof. Spyros Alexakis [Course Description]

-STA2111H Graduate Probability I, Fall 2011
(Graduate-level Course)
Taught by Prof. Jeffrey Rosenthal [Course Description] [Course Website]

-STA2211H Graduate Probability II, Spring 2012
(Graduate-level Course)
Taught by Prof. Jeffrey Rosenthal [Course Description] [Course Website]


2011 The Margaret Ronald Taylor and Thomas Paxton Taylor Award

2011 The Alumni of Victoria College Award


University of Toronto Scholar Award

2011 Dean's List Scholar, University of Toronto (Certificate)

2011 University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA)

2011 Samuel Beatty Award, University of Toronto

2010 Shou Yun Pang Scholarship, University of Toronto

2009-10 Dean’s Honor Roll, University of Toronto

2010 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), Honorable Mention

2009 “Qi Hang” Undergraduate Research Award, Department of Economics, Fudan University, China


Fudan University Scholarship, Fudan University

2009 College Leadership Award, Fudan College, Fudan University


i. My Curriculum Vitae
ii. Paper on Adaptive MCMC
iii. University of Toronto at Scarborough
iv. Department of Statistics
v. Send Comments to Kai


“A**” or “1**” stands for 1st-year courses
“B**” or “2**” stands for 2nd-year courses
“C**” or “3**” stands for 3rd-year courses
“D**” or “4**” stands for 4th-year courses
“1***” ( 1000-level ) stands for introductory graduate-level courses
“2***” ( 2000-level ) stands for specialized graduate-level courses

“H” stands for half-year courses, and “Y” stands for full-year courses