Paul Spanier

Paul Spanier hails from Hamilton Ontario , approximately one hour from Toronto . He completed his undergraduate education at Brock University in St. Catharines Ontario , obtaining bachelor degrees in Psychology and Physical Education. He then proceeded to the University of Toronto obtaining his MSc in the behavioural stream of Exercise Science, and is currently in the dissertation stage of his PhD. For his Master's degree he conducted a secondary data analysis of the Ontario Health Survey examining the relationship between physical activity and general social support. For his PhD, he is conducting a mixed method study (quantitative/qualitative) of male adolescent sedentary behaviour. The first stage involves a cluster analysis of non-school activities including active and inactive (sedentary) behaviours. During the second stage, focus groups, representing distinct behavioural profiles, will explore the perceptions of sedentary behaviours and the possible relationship to active behaviours. If you would like to know more about his current research endeavours he may be reached at