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Michael Escobar
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Contact Information:
Mail Address:
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
155 College Street, 6th floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M7
Phone: (416) 978-8989 (voice mail, but email is better)
Fax:(416) 978-8299
email: m(dot)escobar(at)utoronto(dot)ca
Research Interest
My research has been a combination of
theoretical and applied statistical research.
You can click here to see my
curriculum vitae.
At the end of this web page, I give more information about
my research interest here.
My major theoretical and applied
- Developing new methods to compute Dirichlet process models
for nonparametric
Bayesian methods.
- Developing mixture models using both frequentist and Bayesian
techniques and applying these methods to model population heterogeneity.
- Applying statistical methods in psychiatric research,
especially in the areas of schizophrenia, learning disabilities, and
- Applying and improving statistical techniques in the
medical, biological, and public health sciences. Many of these projects are in
conjunction with students and colleagues at the University of Toronto
and places where I have previously worked.
I teach and advise students primarily in the MSc/PhD program in Biostatistics
I also work with many students in other areas (such as epidemiology) on there statistical problems.
This year I am teaching a course in mathematical statistics for MSc biostatistic students and an introductory course in applied Bayesian methods.
I have been a statistical consultant for a number of groups in a wide
variety of areas. Please
see my cv for
an updated accounting of my experience.
Research notes:
processes, Nonparametric Bayesian Methods
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