

Abou Chakra, M., Stone, J. R. (2008) Descartes, Plateau and Sea Urchins. Design and Nature IV, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 114  pp 97-105, pdf 

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Abou Chakra, M., Stone, J. R (2011), Holotestoid: A new echinoid test growth model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 285(1):113-125. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.06.019, pdf

Abou Chakra, M., Traulsen, A. (2012), Evolutionary dynamics of strategic behavior in a collective-risk dilemma. Plos Computational Biology, 8(8): e1002652, pdf

Hilbe,  C., Abou Chakra, M., Altrock, PM., Traulsen, A. (2013) The Evolution of strategic timing in collective-risk dilemmas. Plos ONE  8(6): e66490. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066490, pdf

Abou Chakra, M., Hall, B. K., Stone, J. R. (2013) Using Taxonomists’ Heads to recapitulate craniate-vertebrate phylogenetic history. Historical Biology doi:10.1080/08912963.2013.825792,

Mobley K. B.,  Abou Chakra, M.,  Jones A. (2014) No evidence for size-assortative mating in the wild despite mutual mate choice in sex-role-reversed pipefishes. Ecology & Evolution. 4:67-78 doi: 10.1002/ece3.907, pdf

Abou Chakra, M., Traulsen, A. (2014), Under high stakes and uncertainty the rich should lend the poor a helping hand. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 341:123-130, pdf

Abou Chakra, M.,  Hilbe C., Traulsen A. (2014), Plastic behaviors in hosts promote the emergence of retaliatory parasites.  Scientific Reports, 4:4251, doi:10.1038/srep04251, pdf

Abou Chakra, M., Hilbe C. (2015) Modelling the dynamics of crime and punishment: Comment on Statistical physics of crime: A review by M.R. D’Orsogna and M. Perc. Physics of Life Reviews, 12:22-23 doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.01.020

Hagel, K. , Abou Chakra, M., Bauer, B., Traulsen, A., (2016) Which risk scenarios can drive the emergence of costly cooperation? Scientific Reports.  6:19269, doi:10.1038/srep19269

Haafke, J., Abou Chakra, M., Becks L. (2016) Eco-evolutionary feedback promotes Red Queen dynamics and selects for sex in predator populations. Evolution 70-3:641-652 d0i:10.11/evo12885 pdf

Abou Chakra, M., Hilbe, C., Traulsen, A. (2016) Coevolutionary interactions between Famers and Mafia induce host acceptance of avian brood parasites. Royal Society Open Science, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160036, pdf

Valier, M., Abou Chakra, M., Hindersin,L., Linnenbrink, M., Traulsen, A., Baines, J.  (2017) Evaluating the maintenance of disease-associated variation at the blood group-related gene B4galnt2 in house mice. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17:187 DOI: 10.1186/s12862-017-1035-7

Abou Chakra, M.,  Lovric, M., Stone, J. R. (2017) Predicting Morphological Disparities in Sea Urchin Skeleton Growth and Form. bioRxiv, 133900

Abou Chakra, M., Bunmann,S.,  Schenk, H., Oschlies, A., Traulsen,  A. (2018) Facing uncertain climate change, immediate action is the best strategy. Nature Comm. 9: 2566

Abou Chakra, M.,  Isserlin, R., Tran, T.,  Bader, G. D. (2021) Control of tissue development and cell diversity by cell cycle-dependent transcriptional filtering. eLife, 2021;10:e64951 doi 10.7554/elife.65951
(2020) Control of tissue development by cell cycle dependent transcriptional filtering. bioRxiv,

© Maria Abou Chakra 2010