Errat for Sidoli (2004b)

Errata in

Hipparchus and the Ancient Metrical Methods on the Sphere

The primary claim that the rising times cannot be computed with analemma methods is incorrect. See the paper by Yusif Id, "An anallema construction for right and oblique ascentions," Mathematical Teacher 62, 669-672.
p. 72, n. 7 (p. 83) - The final sentence should read, "The passage on p. 150, however, probably also refers to the same general material."
p. 73 - My claim that Luckey was the first to recognize the significance of dia tôn grammôn is incorrect. Björnbo (ref. 4, 83-83) had already made the case that the expression refers to trigonometric calculation.
p. 74, n. 18 (on p. 83) - Denis Duke has kindly pointed out that I neglected to correct for precession. He computes (181;31°, 27;18°), which is much closer to Ptolemy's values.