Participation and index cards

On the first day of class I will distribute index cards.  Each week, bring to class an index card on which you have written 1) the date, 2) your name, and 3) three questions or comments about that week’s reading.  These need to be specific and substantive enough to show that you’ve done the reading—i.e, they shouldn’t be something as simple as “who are the fathers and sons in Fathers and Sons?”—but don’t need to be extremely detailed (after all, you only have an index card on which to write them).

I will collect these cards AT THE START OF CLASS each week.  I will either use them as part of discussion in-class, or I will respond to them collectively in a post on Blackboard each week (and some individual emails via blackboard).

These will factor in to your participation mark (indeed, they will form the major part of your participation mark), so do take this seriously.

If you lose your index cards, you are responsible for buying new ones!

If you miss a lecture, you may send me your questions/comments by email for half credit (if they are received before the lecture that day begins).