BA, MA, PhD: The University of Chicago
Professor, University of Toronto, Department of History, 2015-present
Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Department of History, 2006-2015
Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Department of History, 2001-2006
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Department of History, 2000-2001 |
- For the Common Good and Their Own Well Being: Social Estates in Imperial Russia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014)
- Recipes for Russia: Food and Nationhood under the Tsars (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2008)
- “Freed Serfs without Free People: Manumission in Imperial Russia,” The American Historical Review 118, no. 4 (October 2013): 1029-51
- “National Cuisines,” in The Oxford Handbook of Food History, ed. Jeffrey Pilcher, 444-60 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012)
- “‘The Freedom to Choose a Way of Life’: Fugitives, Borders, and Imperial Amnesties in Russia,” Journal of Modern History 83, no. 2 (June 2011): 243-71
- “The Shifting Place of Women in Imperial Russia’s Social Order,” Cahiers du Monde russe 51, no. 2-3 (April-September 2010): 1-16
- "Authority in a Serf Village: Peasants, Managers, and the Role of Writing in Early Nineteenth Century Russia," Journal of Social History 43, no. 1 (Fall 2009): 157-73
- "National Cuisine and Nationalist Politics: V. F. Odoevskii and 'Doctor Puf', 1844-5," Kritika 10, no. 2 (Spring 2009: 1-22
- “Sustenance and the Household Economy in Two Kostroma Serf Villages, 1836-52,” in Festschrift for Richard Hellie, Part 2, Lawrence N. Langer and Peter B. Brown, eds, published as a special edition of Russian History/Histoire Russe 35, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2008): 165-79
- “Eating Out in Imperial Russia: Class, Nationality and Dining before the Great Reforms,” Slavic Review 65, no. 4 (Winter 2006): 747-68
- “Public Works in an Autocratic State: Water Supplies in an Imperial Russian Town,” Environment and History 11 (2005): 319-42
- “Provisioning Kazan’: Feeding the Russian Provincial Town,” Russian History/Histoire Russe 30, no. 4 (Winter 2003): 373-401
- “Peasant Agriculture in Pre-Reform Kostroma and Kazan’ Provinces,” Russian History/ Histoire Russe 26, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 355-424
- Review of Soslovnoe obshchestvo Rossiiskoi imperii (XVIII-nachalo XX veka) by N. A. Ivanova and V. P. Zheltova, Kritika 14, no. 2 (Spring 2013): 457-62
- Review of I Shop in Moscow: Advertising and the Creation of Consumer Culture in Late Tsarist Russia, by Sally West, Slavic Review 71, no. 4 (Winter 2012): 940-1
- Review of Patrons of Enlightenment: The Free Economic Society in Eighteenth-Century Russia by Colum Leckey, Canadian Slavonic Papers 54, nos. 3-4 (September-December 2012): 550-1
- Review of Russia’s Factory Children: State, Society, and Law, 1800-1917, by Boris Gorshkov, Slavic and East European Review 90, no. 2 (April 2012): 355-7
- Review of Rural Revolutions in Southern Ukraine: Peasants, Nobles, and Colonists, 1774-1905 by Leonard Friesen, Journal of Ukrainian Studies 35-36 (2010-2011): 322-3
- Review of Deeds not Words: The Origins of Women’s Philanthropy in the Russian Empire by Wendy Rosslyn, Canadian Slavonic Papers 52, nos. 1-2 (March-June 2010): 187-8
- Review of A Russian Merchant’s Tale: The Life and Adventures of Ivan Alekseevich Tolchenov by David L. Ransel, H-HistGeog, November 2009
- “Food in Restaurants,” Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, vol. 10 (June 2011), 241-46
- “In Memoriam: Richard Hellie, 1937-2009,” Slavic Review 68, no. 4 (Winter 2009): 1043-44.
- “The Taste of Nothing: Purity, Rottenness, and Fermentation in Early-Nineteenth-Century Russia,” chapter in The Senses in Russian History, eds. Tricia Starks and Matthew Romaniello (submitted to the editors, who are in conversation with publishers, October 2014)
- “Fugitives, Vagrants, and Found Dead Bodies: Finding the Missing in the Provincial Press” (article or book chapter in progress)
- “New Towns, New Townspeople: The Fluidity of Social Estate in Imperial Russia” (article in progress)
- “Honored Citizens and the Creation of a Middle Class in Imperial Russia” (article in progress)
- Gatchina and Autocratic Power in Russia (research project: begun summer 2014; SSHRC Insight Grant application October 2014)
- “Fugitives, Vagrants, and Found Dead Bodies: Finding the Missing in the Provincial Press,” presented at the Information Technologies & Transfer Symposium, Cambridge, UK, September 2014
- “The Taste of Nothing: Purity and Rottenness in Hygiene and Cuisine,” presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies conference, Boston, MA, November 2013
- “Soslovie in Context: Life Stories,” presented at the Midwest Russian History Workshop, Evanston, IL, March 2013
- “National Cuisines,” presented at the American Historical Association annual convention, New Orleans, LA, January 2013
- “The Peasant-State Nexus in Imperial Russia,” presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2012
- “ ‘Kremlin Cookery’: Late- and Post-Soviet Culinary Writing in Russia,” presented at the Modern Language Association Convention, Seattle, WA, January 2012
- “The Records of Soslovie Societies as a Source for the Social History of Imperial Russia,” presented at the conference “Mass Sources for the Study of the Social and Economic History of Russia, XVI-XXI centuries,” Moscow, Russian Federation, December 2011
- “Seeking Freedom/Granting Freedom: Agency and Authority in Serf Manumission,” presented at the conference of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, DC, November 2011
- “Collective Identities in Imperial Russia,” presented at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies conference, Los Angeles, CA, November 2010
- “Controlling the Gates: Estate Societies and Social Mobility,” presented at the Midwest Russian History Workshop, Madison, WI, April 2010
- “The Shifting Place of Women in Imperial Russia’s Social Order,” presented at the Women’s History Network conference, Oxford, UK, September 2009
- “The Decision to Change Social Estate in Pre-Reform Russia,” presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia, PA, November 2008
- “Laws and the Creation of a ‘System’ of Social Estates,” presented at the University of Chicago Russian History Workshop, April 2008
- “Social Mobility in Imperial Russian Towns: Social Estate and the Law, 1700-1917,” presented at the European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2008
- “War and Social Mobility in Russia: Amnesty, Emptiness, and Changing Estate,” presented at the Europe in Upheaval: The Era of the Napoleonic Wars conference, Espoo, Finland, February 2008
- “Authority in Chmutovo: Village Leadership, Estate Managers, and a Wily Woman, c. 1820,” presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, New Orleans, LA, November 2007
- “A Love for Tidiness: Public Health in the Russian Provinces before the Great Reforms,” presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, DC, November 2006
- “The Legal Structure of Changing Social Estate in Imperial Russia,” presented at the CERES Faculty Seminar Series, November 2006
- “Translation and the Development of a Russian Culinary Tradition,” presented at the Third Fitzwilliam Conference in Russian Studies, Cambridge, UK, August 2006
- “Haute Kukhnia: Russian Gastronomy in the Literary Gazette,” presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities conference, New York, NY, March 2006
- “Catherine II, Empress and Autocrat of All the Russias,” lecture presented to the Burlington Third Age Society, Burlington, ON, March 2013
- “Runaway Serfs and the Tsar’s Forgiveness,” lecture presented at the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, March 2011
- “Social Mobility and Social Engineering in Nineteenth Century Russia,” Russian History Speaker’s Series, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, February 2011
- “Food and Agriculture in Russian History,” presented to the Toronto Friends of the Hermitage, January 2011
- “The Gastronome’s Dilemma,” lecture presented to the History Students Association, Toronto, ON, November 2010
- “Fugitive Serfs, Imperial Amnesties, and ‘the Freedom to Choose a Way of Life’ in Russia, ISEEES, University of California, Berkeley, March 2010
- “Russian History, 1917-1953,” two lectures presented at the Toronto Friends of the Hermitage, January-February 2009
- “The Historical Background of Dostoevsky’s House of the Dead,” lecture presented at the University of Toronto/ Canadian Opera Company Opera Exchange, February 2008
- “An Overview of Nineteenth Century Russian History,” two lectures presented at the Toronto Friends of the Hermitage, January 200
Last updated October 2014 |