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There are lots of sources out there on the web to help students with the transition to university learning. These are a few I've found useful or, in some cases, amusing.
  • On plagiarism (sorry to start with this, but it seems to be the source of the most anxiety and/or the most confusion):
    • the very funny "A Plagiarism Carol" from the University of Bergen
    • the very helpful advice on How Not to Plagiarize from the University of Toronto's Writing Centre.
    • once you feel like you've absorbed that information, there's an on-line Plagiarism Test from the Indiana University School of Education to let you check whether you are able to recognize when someone else is (and therefore whether you might be) plagiarizing
I've also done a bit of translating and scanning of supporting materials for classes. Those sources are available here.
last updated September 2011
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