Accepted manuscript
- Azarpazhooh, A.
and Leake, JL. “Prions in dentistry- what are they, is it time to be
concerned, and what can we do?” Department of Community Dentistry,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto.
Journal of
Canadian Dental Association.
b) Published
Azarpazhooh, A. and Farboodi, M. “Ethics in dentistry: Familial Secrets”
Navid Journal, The Vice Chancellor for Research, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 1998. 14: p. 38-41.
- Azarpazhooh, A.
“Recommendation for Infection Control in Dental Offices and Laboratories”
Navid Journal, The Vice Chancellor for Research, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, 1998. 15&16: p. 40-41.
- Azarpazhooh, A.
and Babazadeh, F. “Emergency treatments in dental offices” Navid
Journal, The Vice Chancellor for Research, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, 1999. 18: p. 46-47.
- Azarpazhooh, A.
and Zare, G. “Forensic Dentistry” Navid Journal, The Vice Chancellor for
Research, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 1999. 18: p. 56-59.