Analysis: Tattoo 12



j wearer: man
j location on body: chest, upper arm, lower arm
j colours: unknown (probably black and perhaps red)
j design: grizzly bear (chest), seated bear (upper arm), killer whale (lower arm)
j text: none
j approximate size: 40 cm x 20 cm (chest); 25 cm x 15 cm (upper arm); 25 cm x 20 cm (lower arm)
j probable method/materials: bone and/or metal needles, paint brushes; black pigments (from magnetite and lignite) and red pigments (from hematite)

j visibility: visible to wearer; likely publicly visible for all; display of tattoo at the wearer’s discretion
j Traditional Northwest Coast Haida native designs
j how perceived: family crests; social status; Chief; shaman

j historical/cultural context: late 19th century Haida Chief
j symbolic meanings: family crests and lineage; high status (Chief); cultural identity.



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-image: Haida Chief Xa'na, photographer unknown, c. 1881 (source)-