Bibliography of Works relevant to Archdeacons throughout Europe
(occasionally annotated)

Primary Sources

Anselm of Lucca. Collectio canonum, ed. Friedrich Tanner. Innsbruck, 1906-1915.

Bernardus Papiensis. Summa Decretalium, ed. E. A. D. Laspeyres. Regensburg, 1860 (reprinted Graz, 1956).

Collectio canonum in V libris, ed. M. Fornasari. CCCM VI. Turnholy: Brepols, 1970.

Corpus juris Canonici, ed. Emil Friedberg. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1879.

DíAchery, Luc. Spicilegium sive Collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum. 3 vols. Paris, 1723.
        [The "Collectio Dacheriana" is found in vol. 1, pp. 510-564]

Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae, et Capitula Angilramni. Ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum recensuit, fontes indicavit, commentationem de collectione pseudo-Isidori praemisit Paulus Hinschius, ed. Paul Hinschius. 1863, reprinted 1963.

Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, ed. Norman P. Tanner. 2 vols. London: Sheed & Ward; Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1990.

Deusdedit. Die Kanonessammlung des Kardinals Deusdedit, ed. V. W. von Glanvell. Paderborn, 1905.

Iohannis Beleth Summa de Ecclesiasticis officiis, ed. Heribert Douteil. 2 vols. CCCM 41A. Turnholt, 1976.
        [NOTE: Archdeacons are found in sections13a, 14a, 90g, 134f]

Jean díAvranches (Joannes Abrincensis). Liber de officiis ecclesiasticis ad Maurilium Rotomagensem archiepiscopum, in Patrologia Latina, ed. J. P Migne, vol. 147, col. 27-115.

Libellus pastoralis de cura et officio archidiaconi. A 13th-century handbook for archdeacons; a critical edition and introduction, ed. Elizabeth Kay Todd. Ph.D. diss, Ohio State University, 1993.
 [DAI 54:2 (August, 1993), 641-A]

Mansi, J.D. Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Venice, 1774.

Paucapalea. Summa über das Decretum Gratiani, ed. Johann Friedrich von Schulte. Giessen, 1890.

Quellen zur Geschichte des römisch-kanonischen Prozesses im Mittelalter, ed. Ludwig Wahrmund. 5 vols. 1905-1931.

Raimundus de Pennafort (Raymond of Peñafort). Summa de iure canonico, ed. Xaverio Ochoa and Aloisio Diez. Universa Bibliotheca Iuris T. 1-A. Rome, 1975.

Reginonis abbatis Prumiensis Libri duo de Synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis, ed. F. G. A. Wasserschleben. Leipzig, 1840 (reprinted Graz, 1964).

Robert of Flamborough. Liber poenitentialis. A critical edition with introduction and notes, ed. J. J. Francis Firth. Toronto: PIMS, 1971.

Rufinus of Bologna. Summa Decretorum, ed. Heinrich Singer. Paderborn, 1902.

Stephanus Tornacensis. Die Summa über das Decretum Gratiani, ed. Johann Friedrich von Schulte. Giessen, 1891.

Summa ëElegantius in iure diuinoí seu Coloniensis, ed. Gerardus Fransen, with Stephan Kuttner. New York: Fordham University Press, 1969.

Summa magistri Rolandi, ed. Friedrich Thaner. Innsbruck, 1874.

The Summa Parisiensis on the Decretum Gratiani, ed. Terence P. McLaughlin. Toronto, 1952.

Secondary Sources

Addleshaw, G. W. O. The Beginnings of the Parochial System. London, 1953.
----. The Development of the Parochial System from Charlemagne (768-814) to Urban II (1088-1099). 2nd ed. York, 1970.

Amanieu, A. "Archidiacre," in Dictionnaire du Droit Canonique, I (Paris, 1935), cols. 948-1004.

Andrieu-Guitrancourt, Pierre. Histoire du décanat rural de son commencement jusquíau XIIIe siècles. Paris, 1932.

Bannister, A. T. ìOrigin and growth of the cathedral system,î Church Quarterly Review, civ (1927), 86-96.

Bastnagel, C. V. The Appointment of Parochial Adjutants and Assistants. 1930.

Benson, Robert. The Bishop-Elect. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968.

Bergère, H. Étude historique sur les chorévêques. Paris, 1905.

Boureau, Alain. "Hypothèses sur líémergence lexicale et théorique de la catégorie de séculier au XIIe siècle," in Le clerc séculier au Moyen age (Paris, 1993), 35-43.

Boyle, Leonard. Pastoral Care, Clerical Education and Canon Law 1200-1400. Variorum, 1981.

Brooke, C. N. L. Churches and Churchmen in Medieval Europe. London: Hambledon Press, 1999.

Chapman, Colin R. Ecclesiastical  courts, their officials and their records. Dursley, 1992.

Châtillon, Jean. Le mouvement canonial au Moyen Age: Réforme de líéglise, spiritualité et culture, ed. Patrice Sicard. Paris & Turnhout: Brepols, 1992.

Chodorow, Stanley. Christian Political Theory and Church Politics in the Mid-Twelfth Century: the ecclesiology of Gratianís Decretum. Berkeley, 1972.

Le clerc au Moyen Age. CUER MA. Aix, 1995.

Le clerc séculier au Moyen Age. XXIIe Congrès de la S.H.M.E.S. (Amiens, juin 1991). Paris, 1993.

Congar, Yves M.-J. "Saint Thomas et les archidiacres," Revue Thomiste 57 (1957), 657-671.

Constable, Giles. "Monks and canons in Carolingian Gaul: the Case of Rigrannus of Le Mans," in After Romeís Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History. Essays presented to Walter Goffart, ed. A. C. Murray (Toronto, 1998), 320-336.
----. Reformation of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, 1996.

Dansey, William. Horae Decanicae Rurales, an attempt to illustrate, by a series of notes and extracts, the name and title, the origin, appointment, and functions, personal and capitular of Rural DeansÖ 2 vols. 2nd ed. London: Rivington, 1844.

Donahue, Charles, Jr., ed. The Records of the Medieval Ecclesiastical Courts. Part I: The Continent. Berlin: Duncker & Humboldt, 1989.

Faure, J. Líarchiprêtre, des origines au droit décrétalien. Grenoble, 1911.

Feine, H. E. Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte. Band I. Die katholische Kirche. Weimar, 1955.

Fliche, Augustin and Martin, Victor, eds. Histoire de l'Eglise, depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours. 21 vols. Paris: Bloud & Gay, 1934-46.

Fournier, Edouard. Les origines du vicaire général: étude díhistoire et de droit canon. Paris, 1922.
----. Líorigine du vicaire général et des autres membres de la curie diocésaine. Paris, 1940.
----. "Encore mot sur les origines du vicaire général," Canoniste contemporain 46 (1923), 208 ff.
----. "Institution et premiers développements des fonctions du doyen de chrétienté," Nouvelles recherches 3, 241-259.

Fournier, P. Les officialités au moyen-âge. Étude sur líorganisation, la compétence et la procédure des tribunaux ecclésiastiques ordinaires en France de 1180 à 1328. Paris, 1880.

Franzen, August. "Archidiakon," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 1, col. 824-825.

Friedberg, Emil. De finium inter ecclesiam et civitatem regundorum judicio quid medii aevi doctores et leges statuerint. Leipzig, 1861.
----. Die Canones-Sammlungen zwischen Gratian und Bernhard von Pavia. 1897, rep. Graz, 1958.
----. "Archidiakonus, Archipresbyter und ihre Sprengel" in Albert Hauck, Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche (Leipzig, 1896-1913) vol. 1, pp. 783-784.

Fuhrmann, Horst. Einfluß und Verbreitung der pseudoisidorischen Fälschungen. 3 vols. MGH Schriften 24.1-3. Stuttgart, 1972-1974.

Gaudemet, Jean. Église et cité: histoire du droit canonique. Paris: Montchrestien, 1994.
----. Les sources du droit canonique VIIIe-XXe siècle. Paris: CERF, 1993.

Glasschröder, Franz Xaver. "Zur Geschichte des Archidiakonats," in Festschrift zum elfhundertjährigen Jubiläum des deutschen Campo Santo in Roma, ed. Stephan Ehses (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1897), 139-149.

Gottlob, T. Die abendländische Chorepiskopat. Kanonistische Studien und Texte 1. Bonn, 1928.

Gréa, Adrien. "Essai historique sur les archidiacres," Bibliothèque de líÉcole des Chartes, Série III, T. 2, vol. 12 (1850-1851), 39-67, 215-247.

Griffe, E. "Les origines de líarchiprètre de district," Revue díhistoire de líéglise de France 13 (1927), 16-50.

Hartmann, Wilfried. Die Synoden der Karolingerzeit im Frankenreich und in Italien. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1989.

Hartridge, R. A. R. A history of Vicarages in the Middle Ages. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1930 and 1968 (reprint).

Heim, Manfred. "Der Archidiakonat in der Geschichte," Münchener theologische Zeitschrift. Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie (1992)

Hinschius, Paul. Das Kirchenrecht der Katholiken und Protestanten in Deutschland. 6 vols. Berlin, 1883 (reprinted Graz, 1959).
        [NOTE: Hinschius sees the high point of the battle between the archdeacon and the bishop in the 13th century: II, 201 ff. Archdeacons covered vol. II, pp. 183-205]

Kempf, Friedrich. "Die Eingliederung der überdiözesanen Hierarchie in das Papalsystem des kanonischen Rechts von der Gregorianischen Reform bis zu Innocenz III," Archivum Historiae Pontificiae (1979)

Kress. Erläuterung des Archidiakonatwesens. Helmstädt, 1725.

Kuhlmann, C. J. "De evolutione muneris Vicarii Generalis," Revue de Droit Canonique 13 (1963),

Law, Church, and Society. Essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, eds. Kenneth Pennington and Robert Somerville. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.

Le Bras, Gabriel. Institutions ecclésiastiques de la chrétienté médiévale. 2 vols. Histoire de líéglise no. 12. Paris, 1959-1964.

Leclercq, H. "Archidiacre," in Dictionnaire díarchéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. Vol. 1 (Paris, 1906), col. 2733-36.

Leder, Paul August. Die Diakonen der Bischöfe und Presbyter und ihre urchristlichen Vorläufer. Untersuchungen über die Vorgeschichte und die Anfänge des Archidiakonats, in Ulrich Stutz, Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen vol. 23-24. Stuttgart, 1905.
         [NOTE: His theories on deacons are criticized in the article "Deacon" in the Catholic Encyclopedia, but the author does approve Lederís "theory of the derivation of the judicial and administrative functions of the archdeacons from the duties imposed upon one selected member of the diaconal college, who was called the bishopís deacon (diaconus episcopi) because to him was committed the temporal administration  of funds and charities for which the bishop was primarily responsible."]

Lefebvre-Teillard, Anne. Les officialités à la vieille du Concile de Trente. Paris, 1973.

Loening, Edgar. Geschichte des deutschen Kirchenrechts. Vol. 1: Das Kirchenrecht in Gallien von Constantin bis Chlodovech. Strassburg: Trübner, 1878.
        [Covers archdeacons on pp. 158-163.]

Maitre, Léon. Les écoles épiscopales et monastiques en Occident avant les universités (768-1180). 2nd ed. Paris, 1924.

MíClintock, John and Strong, James. "Archdeacon," in Cyclopædia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature (1895, reprinted 1968), Vol. 1, pp. 369-70.

McHardy, A. K. "Church courts and criminous clerks in the later Middle Ages," in Medieval Ecclesiastical Studies in Honour of Dorothy M. Owen, ed. M. J. Franklin and Christopher Harper-Bill (Boydell Press, 1995), 165-183.

Michaud-Quantin, P. Universitas. Expressions du mouvement communitaire dans le moyen âge latin. Paris, 1970.

Neller. De archidiaconis. Trier, 1771.

Pokusa, Joseph William. A canonical-historical study of the diaconate in the Western Church. Washington D.C., 1979.

Reinhardt, Rudolf. ìDas Archidiakonat auf dem Konzil von Trient,î Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 92 (1975), 84-100.

Reynolds, Roger E. Clerical Orders in the Early Middle Ages. Duties and Ordination. Ashgate Variorum, 1999.
        [NOTE: especially "The ëIsidorianí Epistula ad Leudefredum: an early medieval epitome of the clerical duties," article III, reprinted from Mediaeval Studies 41 (1979), 252-330]

Sagmüller, J. B. Lehrbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1904.
        [Primary section on archdeacons is pp. 367-372. Sagmüller is mostly dependent on the work of Hinschius. If you can read German and actually care about the medieval church, just stick with the six volumes of Hinschius rather than single one of Sagmüller.]
----. Die Entwicklung des Archipresbyterats und Deskanats bis zum Ende des Karolingerreichs. 1898.

Schmalz, Carl. De instituto officialis sive vicarii generalis episcopi. Breslau, 1899.

Schröder, A. Die Entwicklung des Archidiakonats bis zum elften Jahrhundert. Munich, 1890.

Thomassin, Louis. Vetus et nova ecclesiae disciplina circa beneficia, et beneficiarios. London, 1706.
        [NOTE: vol. 1, pp. 174 sqq. are on archdeacons]
----. Ancienne et nouvelle discipline de líEglise. 1864-67.

Thompson, A. Hamilton. Diocesan Organization in the Middle Ages. Archdeacons and Rural Deans. Oxford, 1944.

Toubert, P. "La vie commune de clercs aux XIe-XIIe siècles. Un questionnaire," Revue historique 231 (1964), 11-26.

Zaplotznik, J. L. De vicariis foraneis. dissertation, Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1927.