Brecciated limestone borehole


Azadeh Riahi


Ph.D., P.Eng.

NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellow

Rocscience Inc., Toronto

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto

My research is in Computational Mechanics, with special focus on application to the problems of geotechnical and mining engineering. I obtained both my bachelor's degree (B.A.Sc.) and master's degree (M.A.Sc.) in Civil Engineering. I joined the Computational Geomechanics Group of the University of Toronto in 2003, where I completed my Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Professor J.H. Curran (2008). I joined Rocscience Inc. in September 2008.

My research interests are focused on the theoretical underpinnings and numerical aspects of computational methods. I look for ways to extend the methods' range of application in the modelling of jointed rock masses. My current and past activities involve continuum-based and discreet element techniques, Cosserat theory of materials with microstructures, and constitutive modelling of anisotropic and jointed materials. I am also familiar with the large deformation and buckling analysis, and mesh adaptively techniques for the finite element solution.

I have been a lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Toronto.

Download: CV-ARiahi-April2010.pdf





Rocscience Inc.

Lassonde Institute


Also visit:

Building Bridges, The University of Toronto Bulletin, Issue 13, February 2004, Page 5.

Educational Connection, Numerical Module in a Geotechnical Engineering Course, Rocscience RocNews, Issue 4, Winter 2010.

Educational Value of Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering.


Links to my other Professional Webpages:

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My iMechanica Page