Pauline Letters:
Orig.: Commentarii in quatuor Pauli Epistolas (Genevae
: per Ioannem Girardum, 1548).
Text: Commentarius in Epistolam ad Galatas (Corpus
Reformatorum 78; Brunswick: Schwetschke, 1893).
Also: Commentarii in Pauli Epistolas ad Galatas, ad
Ephesios, ad Philippenses, ad Colossenses (Ioannis Calvini Opera
omnia. Series 2, Opera exegetica Veteris et Novi Testamenti; 16; ed. H.
Feld; Geneva: Droz, 1992
ET: The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians,
Trans. T. H. L. Parker. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965, and later reprints).
[Earlier ET by W. Pringle; Calvin Trans. Soc., 1854].
John Calvin, Sermons on Galatians (ET [from French]
K. Childress; Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1997).
An edition of the Latin works of Calvin is available
under the title Calvini Opera quce supersunt omnia, 5 vols.
(Brunswick, 1864-1867).
Commentarii in libros NT are
edited by Tholuck (Halle, 1833-38, 7 vols.); one of the Comm.
in Psalmos (1836, 2 vols.), and of the Institutiones Religionis
Christiance was also edited by Tholuck (Halle, 1834, 1835, 2
vols.); one of the Comm. in lib. Geneseos (1838) by Hengstenberg.
Secondary Literature
Evans, Gillian R. The Language and Logic of the
Bible: The Road to the Reformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1985.
Millet, Olivier. Calvin et la dynamic de la parole.
Geneva: Editions Slatkine, 1992.
Muller, Richard A. and John Thompson, “The Significance
of Precritical Exegesis,” In Biblical Interpretation in
the Era of the Reformation. Ed. Richard A. Muller, John Thompson.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996, 335-42.
Parker, T. H. L. Calvin’s New Testament
Commentaries. London: SCM, 1971.
Torannce, Thomas F. The Hermeneutics of John Calvin.
Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1988.
Zachman, Randall C. “ ‘Do you understand
what you are reading?’ Calvin’s guidance for the reading
of Scripture,” Scottish Journal of Theology 59/1 (2001)
Zachman, Randall C. “Gathering meaning from
the context: Calvin’s exegetical method,” Journal
of Religion 82 (2002).
Key Events
Born July 10, 1509, at Noyon in northern France.
1518, Calvin's mother died, and John was taken
into very powerful d’Hangest household
521, sent to Paris for school at Colleges de la
Marche and Montaigu.
1526, abruptly sent by his father to study law
at Orleans; became friends with Protestant Reformers, Pierre Robert
and Melchior Wolmar.
1529, followed Wolmar to Bourges law school, possibly
already converted to Reform.
1531, Calvin's father died in disgrace in Noyon
over missing funds; John received law degree
1532: Calvin's first published work is a commentary
on Seneca, De Clementia.
1533, while in Paris he helped Nicolas Cop draft
a speech sympathetic to Reform, became a fugitive. Even acquaintance
Marguerite, the king’s sister, could not protect him.
1535, settled in Basel and wrote theological masterpiece
Institutio Christianae religionis (Institutes of
the Christian Religion) which he revised and expanded for
a lifetime.
1536, settled in Geneva (a city-state then but later
part of Switzerland), where he and William Farel became civic powers
as well as church powers until vanquished by rivals.
1538, helped Martin Bucer in Strasbourg.
1939, completed the 2nd edition of Institutes,
and commentary on Romans
1540, married widow, Idelette de Bure
1540-51, completed commentaries on all the epistles
1541, wooed back to Geneva where he was more powerful
than before—this time without Farel.
1542, Calvin’s only son James died.
1549, Idelette died. John remained in Geneva writing
copiously and preaching—often in stormy civic battles
1553-57, wrote commentaries on the gospels
May 27, 1564, died; by his request he was buried
in an unmarked grave.