Jacques Derrida: "Différance" in Margins: of Philosophy

Comments and Questions to: John Protevi
Intended as an study aid only. 
Do not cite in any sort of publication. 

I. Introduction: the letter "a"  [3-5]

A. reassemble in a sheaf      

1.different directions of sense and force in our epoch
a. different senses and forces of difference
b. not gathered under identity
               1) Aristotle: specific difference under genus
               2) Hegel: identity of identity and difference        

2. Also different writings of JD:
a. phenomenology/ontology:
                1) on Husserl:
                     a) " 'Genesis and Structure' and Phenomenology"
                     b) Intro to Origin of Geometry
                     c) Speech and Phenomena
                2) on Hegel: "Restricted and General Economy"
                3) on Heidegger:
                     a) "Différance"
                     b) "Ends of Man"
                     c) "Ousia and Gramme"
                1) Saussure: Of Grammatology
                2) Rousseau: Of Grammatology
                1) Freud: "Freud and the Scene of Writing"
                2) Nietzsche: picks up on Deleuze
                3) Structuralism:
                     a) "Force and Signification"
                     b) "Structure, Sign and Play in the Writing of the Human Sciences"

 B.remains purely graphic

1.silent, like tomb: between speech and writing
           a. NB: all the "betweens" of JD:
                1) speech/writing
                2) presence/absence
                3) langue/parole
                4) structure/genesis
                5) essence/fact
                6) intelligible/sensible
                7) interior/exterior
                8) time/space
                9) life/death

b. JD not just inverting, but reinscribing to account for opposition skewed into hierarchy privileging presence: this skewing is "metaphysics"
c. the "between" (= time/ecstasis/economy of same) as the great topic of ontology
                1) Parmenides: to gar auto noein estin te kai einai
                2) Plato: participation
                3) Aristotle:
                     a) De Anima: nous is somehow all things
                     b) mimetic generation: our share in eternity
                4) Plotinus: spreading out [diastasis] of life involves time
                5) Augustine: time = distentio animi
                6) Kant: transcendental imagination as schematic third between sensibility and understanding
                7) Hegel: spirit as gathering back to self through painful loss
                8) Husserl: intentionality
                9) Heidegger: Lichtung
2. economy of death: life/speech/interiority from death, etc.
3. death of the tyrant: displacement of value of presence

 C. prejudice of "phonetic" writing
1. needs spacing to have meaning
2. but spacing disrupts pure meaning, total presence

 D. inaudible difference
1. neither sensible nor intelligible
2. nor simply transcendental, but quasi-transcendental

II. Phenomenology/ontology preview: [5-7]  

A. différance as refractory to presence
1. not a being, but
2. makes possible presentation of the present

 B. not a negative theology ("How to Avoid Speaking: Denials" plus Gasché)

 C. questioning of arche results in reliance on strategy
1. no anchor: no out-text
2. play: unity of chance and necessity

III.semantic analysis of "différance" [7-9]  

A. two concepts:
1. deferral: temporization
2. differing: spacing
           a. both dissimilarity
           b. and polemic allergy

B. necessity of the "a"
1. accounts for deferral and polemic allergy
2. immediate and irreducible "polysemy"
3. middle voice to neutralize activity
           a. to avoid presupposing subject, intention, etc.
           b. Nietzschean influence here

IV. Linguistics/semiology: problematic of the sign and writing [9-12]  

A. Sign as deferred presence
1. of sense/concept or reference/thing
2. secondary and provisional substitution

 B. "originary" differance: two consequences

1. NB: no longer include differance under semiology
2. questions authority of
           a. presence (which directs semiology) and
           b. its symmetrical opposite, absence
                1) NB: no simple inversion, but inversion and
                2) reinscription in new economy accounting for play of p/a

 C. Saussure allows us to see deferral and differing conjoined
1. brief recap of Saussure:
           a. reduction of speech to language as sign system
           b. sign system as arbitrary and differential
           c. this differential play is condition of meaning
           d. affects both signifier (sound-image) and signified (concept)
2. consequences
          a. différance is condition
            1) of conceptuality, not a concept
            2) of significance, not a word
                 a) interdependence of langue/parole:
                      i) systematic/structural
                      ii) historical/genetic
                 b) but not subjective or substantive
          b. differance extended beyond language to sign in general
             1) any code or system of referral in general (Heidegger's Welt)
            2) again, both structure and genesis

 D.chain of substitutions for "différance": infrastructures

V. Back to phenomenology/ontology: reduction of the present: [13]      

1. elements retain mark of future and past contexts of iteration
2. thus interval separating the present from "itself"
3. equation of spacing and temporization
           a. spacing: becoming space of time
           b. temporization: becoming time of space
4. constitution of the present as synthesis of marks:
           a. archi-writing
           b. trace
           c. différance

VI. Note on Hegel [13-14]  

A. Avoiding the active differentiation of prior simple

B. Now as infinitely simple negativity, excluding all else,

1. but therefore determined by what it excludes in negating itself
2. now as point, self-differentiating itself from primordial unity

 C. JD wants to displace Hegel,
1. to think differance as constitution of now
2. w/o prior unity or horizon of recuperating presence

VII. What is differance? [14-17]  

A. form of the question must be rethought

 B. back to Saussure
1 .language not a function of the subject
2. structural dependence of parole on langue
3. differance as between structure and genesis
4. thus transformation of semiology into grammatology

 C. self-present consciousness prior to différance?
1. topic of Speech and Phenomena
2. can thematize closure of metaphysics via Heidegger's work
3. presence as effect

VIII. Predecessors in the thought of differance [17-21]  

A. Marx might have been cited here:
1. critique of fetishized commodities
2. labor power as excess over reproduction of labor-power
           a. living individuality
           b. but mortal and needing replacement]

 B. Nietzsche:
1. différance of forces
           a. JD's early essay: "Force and Signification"
           b. again, shows irreducibility to semiology
           c. point of connection to Foucault/Deleuze
2. the "same" is not the "identical", but economy, différance
3. economy of same in metaphysical conceptuality

C. Freud: ("Freud and the Scene of Writing")
1. breaching: differance of forces allowing cness/unc interplay
2. putting into reserve: deferring dangerous investment
           a. pleasure/reality principle
           b.The Post Card: "Freud's Legacy"
3. point of greatest obscurity: (Bataille essay): différance as both
           a. economic deferral (restricted economy) and
           b. expenditure w/o reserve (general economy)
                1) [Levinas]: relation w/ wholly other interrupting economy
                2) confrontation w/ Hegel again
           c. economic différance does not imply finding deferred presence, or that present is there somewhere, but merely hidden
                1) rather différance maintains our relation w/ what is necessarily misconstrued
                     a) (consciousness as effect gives itself as primary)
                2) a certain alterity (F names it "unconscious") differs and defers itself, sending forth proxies (dreams, slips, etc.)
                3) the radical alterity of the unconscious is marked by delay
           d. structure of delay we see here in cness as effect of différance of unconscious forces disrupts any simple recuperation of Husserlian temporality as synthesis of retention/ protention, which is covered under rubric of internal time-consciousness
            1) trace not = retention
            2) but trace = past that was never present

 D. Levinas: trace and absolute Other (Autrui)

IX. Differance and the closure of metaphysics of presence [21-27]

A. Differance sollicits, shakes, determination of being as presence
1.thematizing closure relies on broaching of ontological difference
           a. différance "is" not
           b. politics: différance instigates the subversion of every kingdom
2.can différance "settle down" into ontological difference?
          a. différance as movement of unfolding of ontol diff (late Heidegger)
            1) that is, as being itself, as presencing process,
                 a) not as being of beings:
                 b) but "being itself" w/o truth or sense
                 c) as Ereignis/Enteignis
            2) sending/withdrawal: ontic metaphoricity (Retrait)
            3) compare w/ cness proxies in Freud above
           b. but, not so w/ early Heid who thinks sense/truth/history of being
3. we must think history of Being as epoch of diapherein/differance
           a. being only gets a sens through its ontic proxy (theological determinant of being as presence for any epoch)
           b. thus différance, as being itself, is "older" than ontol diff
           c. it puts being (of beings) into play
           d. Heraclitus lost as trace when difference becomes ontol diff
4.but we can't just step outside (cf. "Ends of Man")
           a. but must think through truth of being
           b. cf. necessity to think through transcendental reduction
           c. must let appear/disappear trace of excess of truth of being
                1) trace never appears as such
                2) in metaphysical texts
                     a) not just "history of philosophy"
                     b) but all "normalized" Western discourse
                     c) [and practices]:
                          i) restricted economy of capital
                          ii) of bodies
                           a) labor power
                           b) patriarchy
                           c) discipline
                           d) "sexuality"
                           e) Oedipus
                3) in texts delimiting closure of metaphysics: Nietzsche, Freud, Levinas, Heidegger

 B.What is presence of present in Heidegger's reading of Anaximander?
1. cf. end of "Ousia and Gramme"
2. difference of presencing and present (a trace) is forgotten
3. presencing becomes something present
           a. present being thus = trace of (erasure of) trace (forgotten diff)
           b. present being:
                1) no longer out-text referent
                2) as function in structure of generalized reference
           c. present being as effect of writing
                1) margin of metaphysics: traverses, does not enclose
                2) trace readable in its erasure
4. Trace of Sache (=being itself, =différance) vanishes in metaphysics: dissimulated in master names (="being of beings")
5. Consequences:
           a. JD doesn't like Heidegger's language of "essence of being"
                1) can the "dis" of differance be caught in Wesen des Seins?
                2) there is no essence of différance
           b. need an "entirely other language"
                1) to think the out-text, the other of text of W metaphysics
                2) trace appears as dissimulated
           c. "differance" remains a metaphysical name
                1) it is "older" than Heidegger's ontological difference
                2) in fact it is not even a name, or a word, but a sheaf
                3) play making possible nominal effects like "differance" no master-word, no unique name (iteration)
                4) this is to be affirmed in Nietzschean laughter/dance
                5) vs. Heideggerian "hope" to find the unique word of Being
                     a)but this is close to a "superficial reading"
                     b)i.e., attempt to catch H at his own game, confusing his analysis with advocacy