of Knowledge (1969)
Part I: Introduction (pp. 3-17)
Part II: The Discursive Regularities (pp. 21-76)
1. The unities of discourse
2. Discursive formations
3. The formation of objects
4. The formation of enunciative modalities
5. The formation of concepts
6. The formation of strategies
7. Remarks and Consequences
Part III: The Statement and the Archive (pp. 79-131)
1. Defining the statement
2. The enunciative function
3. The description of statements
4. Rarity, exteriority, accumulation (Foucault as a 'happy positivist')
5. The historical a priori and the archive
Part IV: Archaeological Description (pp. 135-95)
1. Archaeology and the history of ideas
2. The original and the regular
3. Contradictions
4. The comparative facts
5. Change and transformation
6. Science and knowledge
Part V: Conclusion (pp. 199-211)
Appendix: The Discourse on Language (pp. 215-37)
Michel Foucault, L'Archéologie du savoir. Paris : Gallimard,
1969; ET: The Archaeology of Knowledge. New York: Tavistok Publications/Pantheon,
Michel Foucault, L'Ordre du discours. Paris : Gallimard, 1971;
ET: “Orders of discourse,” trans. Rupert Swyer in Social
Science Information 10/2 (April 1971) 7-30; see list of corrections
to this translation by Meaghan Morris in included in M. Morris and P.
Patton, eds., Michel Foucault: power, truth, strategy. Sydney,
Australia: Feral Publications, 1979, 102-5; Swyer's translation was
reprinted as “The discourse on language,” In The Archæology
of knowledge. New York: Pantheon, 1972, 215-37.