A. Books

Barrett, Michelle. The Politics of Truth: From Marx to Foucault. Stanford University Press, 1992.

Bernauer, James. Michel Foucault's Force of Flight. Humanities, 1991.

Cohen, Paul. Freedom's Moment: An Essay on the French Idea of Liberty from Rousseau to Foucault. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Deleuze, Gilles. Foucault. U. Minnesota, 1988.

Dreyfus, Hubert and Paul Rabinow. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Falzon, Chris. Foucault and Social Dialogue: Beyond Fragmentation. Routledge, 1998.

Flynn, Thomas. Sartre, Foucault, and Reason in History: Toward an Existentialist Theory. Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Gutting, Garry. Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Kurzweil, Edith. The Age of Structuralism: From Levi-Strauss to Foucault. Transactio, 1996.

Marsden, Richard. The Nature of Capital : Marx after Foucault. Routledge, 1999.

McHoul, Alec, with Wendy Grace. A Foucault Primer: Discourse, Power and the Subject. New York University Press, 1997.

McNay, Lois. Foucault & Feminism. Polity, 1992.

McWhorter, Ladelle. Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization. Indiana University Press, 1999.

Middleton, Sue. Disciplining Sexuality: Foucault, Life Histories, and Education. Teachers College Press, 1997.

Olssen, Mark. Michel Foucault: Materialism and Education. Greenwood, 1999.

Owen, David. Maturity and Modernity: Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault and the Ambivalence of Reason. Routledge, 1997.

Payne, Michael. Reading Knowledge: An Introduction to Foucault, Barthes and Althusser. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997.

Poster, Mark. Foucault, Marxism and History. Polity Press,1984.

Sawicki, Jana. Disciplining Foucault. Routledge, 1991.

Sheridan, Alan. Foucault: The Will to Truth. Tavistock, 1980.

Simons, Jon. Foucault & the Political. Routledge, 1991.

Stoler, Ann Laura. Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things. Duke University Press, 1995.

Ransom, John. Foucault's Discipline: The Politics of Subjectivity. Duke University Press, 1997.

B. Essay Collections

Best, Steven (ed.). The Politics of Historical Vision: Marx, Foucault, Habermas. Guilford, 1997.

Clark, William, et al. The Sciences in Enlightened Europe. University of Chicago, 1999.

Davidson, Arnold. Foucault and His Interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1998.

Diamond, Sara (ed.). Feminism & Foucault. Northeastern University Press, 1988.

Gutting, Gary (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Hekman, Susan J. (ed.). Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996.

Jones, Colin and Roy Porter (eds). Reassessing Foucault: Power, Medicine and the Body. (Routledge, 1998.

Larmour (ed.). Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity. Princeton Universtiy Press, 1997.

Moss, Jeremy (ed.). The Later Foucault: Politics and Philosophy. Sage. 1998.

Neubauer, John (ed.). Cultural History after Foucault. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1999.

Popkewitz (ed.), et al. Foucault's Challenge: Discouse, Knowledge, and Power in Education. Teachers College Press, 1997.

Spargo, Tamsin et al. Foucault and Queer Theory. Totem Books, 1999.


C. Biographies and Biographical Criticism

Eribon, Didier. Michel Foucault. Trans. Betsy Wing. Harvard University Press, 1991.

Halperin, David. Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Macey, David. The Lives of Michel Foucault. London: Hutchinson, 1993.

Miller, James. The Passion of Michel Foucault. Simon & Schuster, 1993.
