Fat Old Sun

0:14, 0:24, 0:56, 1:40, 1:47, 1:51, 2:51, 2:55 - Tongue clicks (most reported by FATSS reader Radu C)
0:29 - A (non-tongue) click
1:23 - Echo of a drumbeat before drums fade in properly
1:48, 3:04 - Dave namechecks this website :-)
2:06 - Nick misses a drumbeat here (also reported by FATSS reader Radu C)
3:20-3:30 - Dave starts to repeat the first verse, then thinks better of it and goes into a scat instead (heard clearly at 4:00 but continues until the end)
4:15, 4:47, 4:57 - Weird drum rolls here, sounds like Nick couldn't quite keep up with the beat in this section for some reason

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