
0:16, 0:28, 0:39, 0:44, 1:05, 1:21, 2:09, 2:35, 2:46, 2:52, 2:55, 4:06, 4:09, 4:16 - Mouth noises (all reported by FATSS reader Radu C)
1:56 - Right ear, click as piano track is switched in
2:02, 3:49 - Reverb echo on guitar solos ends suddenly... intentional?
2:41, 2:46, 2:53, 3:14-3:15 - Snare drum rattling... could also be quiet, out-of-place bass drum hits
3:53 - Double-tracked lead vocal dropped into lead guitar track (!), ending the solo abruptly
4:24 - Bump, off to the left

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