1:07 - The lead guitar in the left channel (without wah-wah
pedal) that comes in here and at the end of each verse is mixed
in and out badly. Here it comes in at the right time, but doesn't
*quite* get mixed out properly until 1:17. These problems recur
throughout the song, for best results listen in OOPS
1:45-1:46 - Left channel, lead guitar fades up before it's
supposed to
1:57 - Lead guitar fades out after it's supposed to again
2:53 - Lead guitar starts to fades in early, but doesn't get all
the way to full volume until the second bar of the riff.
5:37 - Lead guitar is mixed in at the right volume, but the first
note sounds different than the guitar sounds for the rest of the
song! Did Dave touch the wrong pedal here and quickly correct?
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