Interstellar Overdrive

0:00 - Click in the right ear at the very start of the track
0:00-0:28 - Vibrations from the guitars cause the snare drum to rattle in the right ear
0:02 - Stray note in the left guitar... pretty much the only note in the piece that can be classified as such
1:44-1:46, 1:50 - Clicks in the centre channel
1:55-2:10 - Increase in noise as second drum track fades up, then goes back down again
2:18 - Click off to the right
3:12-3:45 - Snare drum starts rattling again, but is masked by the second drum track starting at about 3:45
4:16-4:19 - Crackling in the drums off to the right
4:22-4:25 - More pronounced crackling in the centre
6:10 - Click, off to the far left
6:15-6:30, 6:55-7:45, 8:15-8:33 - More snare drum rattles, intermittent
6:30-6:57 - The most blatant example of bad panning so far... tonnes of clicks all over the place, really just too many to mention
8:12 - Really nasty scratch in the bass track off to the right
8:40-end - If you've looked around on this website a bit, you'll notice that I talk a lot about bad panning and how much it ruins good songs. Well, if you haven't understood what I've been talking about, just listen to this section of this track with headphones on. You'll understand immediately. This is simply the worst panning you'll ever hear, anywhere. Clicks all over the place, the mixing board goes crazy. The whole track goes to hell. Oy vey. It's enough to make me prefer the mono mix of this song.

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