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0:40-1:44: After the intro, you can faintly hear leakage in the left ear from the guitar and instrument tracks that are faded down until the big crash at 1:44
1:22-1:30: One of the aforementioned tracks gets faded up slightly, then comes back down again.
1:41-1:44: The guitar track, then the drum track are faded up gradually in the left ear when they're actually supposed to come in suddenly, right at 1:44... previous three anomalies probably only audiable on the stereo mix
3:12, 3:13: Clicks, right ear
3:17: The guitar in the left ear fades in before it's supposed to and we hear a few off-beat notes before it corrects itself at 3:20 3:29, 3:35: You can hear some faintly audiable "boom-pch-ch-chs" off to the right before they come in properly at 3:43
3:22-3:38: A few faint clicks as the faders are adjusted
3:42-3:50: Lead guitar starts to go off the beat again, then gets faded out
3:52, 3:53: A few clicks as the vocals are switched in for the triumphant finale
3:55-3:58: Stray notes from the lead guitar as it is faded up again
4:22: Breathing or rustling just as the song fades away into silence

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