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Peer-reviewed articles

6. Thomas CG, Li R, Smith HE, Oliver B, Haag ES (2012) Simplification and desexualization of gene expression in self-fertile nematodes. Current Biology 22(22)2167-72.
5. Thomas CG, Woodruff GC, Haag ES (2012) Causes and consequences of the evolution of reproductive mode in Caenorhabditis nematodes. Trends in Genetics 28(5)213-20.
4. Liu Q, Stumpf CR, Thomas CG, Wickens MP, Haag ES (2012) Context-Dependent Function of A Conserved Translational Regulatory Module. Development. 139(8):1509-21.
3. Barrière A, Yang SP, Pekarek E, Thomas CG, Haag ES, Ruvinsky I (2009) Detecting heterozygosity in shotgun genome assemblies: Lessons from obligately outcrossing nematodes. Genome Res. 19(3):470-80. pdf
2. Bioulac-Sage P, Rebouissou S, Thomas C, Blanc JF, Saric J, Sa Cunha A, Rullier A, Cubel G, Couchy G, Imbeaud S, Balabaud C, Zucman-Rossi J (2007) Hepatocellular adenoma subtype classification using molecular markers and immunohistochemistry. Hepatology 46(3):740-8.
1. Rebouissou S, Vasiliu V, Thomas C, Bellanné-Chantelot C, Bui H, Chrétien Y, Timsit J, Rosty C, Laurent-Puig P, Chauveau D, Zucman-Rossi J (2005) Germline hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha and 1beta mutations in renal cell carcinomas. Hum Mol Genet. 14(5):603-14. pdf

Manuscripts submitted or in preparation

1. Thomas CG, Lu T, Korf I, Smith HE, Oliver B, Haag ES. (in prep.) Identification and characterization of evolutionary labile male genes in Caenorhabditis.


Ph.D. Thomas CG (2011) Evolution of sex-biased expression in Caenorhabditis.            pdf
Master Thomas C (2006) Caractérisation transcriptomique des hyperplasies nodulaires focale télangiectasiques et adénomes hépatocellulaires inflammatoires. in French pdf