Dr. Chao Zhuang

e-mail: c.zhuang at mail.utoronto.ca


Ph.D. in Physics    University of Toronto     2013
M.Sc. in Physics    University of Toronto    2006
B.Sc.  in Physics    Tsinghua University      2004

Refereed Publication

Quantum control of population transfer between vibrational states in an optical lattice
Chao Zhuang, Matin Hallaji, Alex Hayat, Felix Motzoi, Botan Khani, Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, and Aephraim M. Steinberg, under preparation (2013)

Observing the Onset of Effective Mass
Rockson Chang, Shreyas Potnis, Ramon Ramos, Chao ZhuangMatin Hallaji, Alex Hayat, Federico Duque-Gomez, J. E. Sipe, Aephraim M. SteinbergPhys. Rev. Lett. 112, 170404 (2014)

Coherent control of population transfer between vibrational states in an optical lattice via two-path quantum interference
Chao Zhuang, Christopher R. Paul, Xiaoxian Liu, Samansa Maneshi, Luciano S. Cruz, and Aephraim M. Steinberg
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 233002 (2013)

Coherence Freeze in an Optical Lattice Investigated Via Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
Samansa Maneshi, Chao Zhuang, Christopher R. Paul, Luciano S. Cruz, and Aephraim M. Steinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 193001 (2010)

Efficient vibrational state coupling in an optical tilted-washboard potential via multiple spatial translations and application to pulse echoes
Samansa Maneshi, Jalani F. Kanem, Chao Zhuang, Matt Partlow, and Aephraim M. Steinberg, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022303 (2008)

Persistent Current of Bi2223/Ag Closed Coil in 77 K
Chao Zhuang, Chen Gu, Chen, D.-X., and Zhenghe Han, IEEE Trans. Appl. Superc., Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 3125-3128 (2007)

AC analysis of a high temperature superconductor coil with short circuits
C Gu, C Zhuang, and Z Han, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 9-14 (2006)

Voltage current property of two HTS tapes connected by ordinary Sn-Pb solder
Gu, C., Zhuang, C., Qu, T. M., Han, Z., Physica C, Volume 426, p. 1385-1389.(2005)

Charmonium Formation and Suppression in Nuclear Matter
Xu Jia-Jun, Wang Jia, Zhuang Chao, and Zhuang Peng-Fei, Chinese Physics C 29 (05): 442446 (2005)

Work Experience

Reseaech Assistant   
University of
Graduate student and Research Assistant in Quantum Optics group (
Aephraim Steinberg's Group), Department of Physics    2005 - 2013

Research Assistant    Tsinghua University
Full time Research Assistant at Applied Superconductivity Research Center    2004 - 2005

Teaching Assistant    University of Toronto
PHY131 Practical Tutor           2009 - 2012
PHY131 Practical Tutor           2009 summer
PHY132 Practical Tutor           2009

PHY131 Tutor                         2008
PHY138 Tutor                         2007 - 2008
PHY140 Lab Demonstrator     2006 - 2007
PHY138 Lab Demonstrator     2005 - 2006

Other Activities

Serving Board Committee  of Tsinghua University Alumni Association Toronto                     2009 - now
Organizing Committee
       of 2009 Canadian Quantum Information Student Conference      2009 summer
Vice President                     of Physics Graduate Student Association, University of Toronto  2008 - 2009
Mentor                                 at International Student Centre,
University of Toronto                 2007 - 2008

Last Edited: 05/25/2014