Operating Systems

ECE344, Spring 2019
University of Toronto

Labs and website created by: Ashvin Goel

Quick Links

Lab AssignmentsQuercus Website

Using Cscope for Code Navigation

Cscope allows you to easily navigate code. In particular, it allows you to find the callers of a function (this is not supported by tags).

You will first need to setup cscope as follows:

  %  cd ~/ece344
  %  find . -name "*.[ch]" > cscope.files

You will need to run the setup command above every time you add new source files to the ece344 directory or make significant modifications to your code.

Then you can invoke cscope anytime as follows:

  %  cd ~/ece344
  %  cscope

To exit cscope, you will need to type ctrl-d.

Look at man cscope for more details.