Serving the Community:

Inmates & Families

CBP 2009


Bridge House (view Case Study)

Clientele: women and children, who have a loved one in prison; women in transition

Main services offered:

- a safe, supportive short-term transitional shelter for women who are visiting their loved one in prison ($15/night)

- access to a kitchen, laundry services, telephone

- affordable transportation to local prisons ($15-$25 per person)

- 24/7 telephone counselling for women in distress

- outreach support to help women obtain housing and employment


333 Kingscourt Ave.

Kingston, Ontario

Phone: 613-549-6303

Toll-free: 1-866-852-6303


John Howard Society (view Case Study)

Clientele: Inmates and newly released inmates

Main services offered:

- employment aid (employment counselling, skills training, help accessing Ontario Works)

- intake program (immediate support for inmates upon release - food, housing, access to Street Health program/medical care)

- institutional services (family support groups, pre-release counseling, human rights information)

- youth program (tutoring program for children with parents who have been incarcerated)


771 Montreal St.

Kingston, Ontario

K7K 3J4

Phone: 613-542-7373

From Prison: 1-888-325-7930


Community-Based Projects 2009 School of Medicine, Queen’s University

Sandra Guirguis, Jessica Quan, Derek Tsang

we’re here, and we’re a safe place to stay” - Bridge House

be understanding to your patients” - John Howard Society