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Sarcoidosis - Stage II

Pathophysiology: See Sarcoidosis Stage I.


A progression of the lung disease including the presence of non-caseating granulomata, interstitial lung changes along with adenopathy.


CXR/CT Findings:


  1. small nodular changes in the upper 2/3 of the lung, along with increased linear interstitial lines

  2. the nodular changes may be endobronchial, peribronchial or perivascular giving a beading effect, which is seen on high resolution CT

  3. hilar and mediastinal adenopathy: there may be less symmetry than on earlier stage I disease

  4. the changes have a central perihilar predilection and spread peripherally


“Aunt Sophies”: a gamut of mid and upper lung small nodular/interstitial disease with adenopathy:


1.      metastatic lung disease

2.      inhalational lung disease: silicosis, berylliosis

3.      primary lung cancer, nodal metastases and central adenopathy

4.      lymphoma (nodules usually larger and less in number)

5.      drugs: eg. methotrexate

6.      granulomatous infection: tuberculosis, fungal infections

7.      pulmonary amyloidosis, less common


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