This is the standard barium enema technique where the radiologist
performs the study – filling and distension phase – followed by
taking limited views of certain areas of the colon. The radiographic
technologist then takes overhead views of the colon.
The limited spot views taken b the radiologist should include the
- Lateral upright rectum (balloon deflated)
- RPO Upright Splenic flexure
- LPO Upright Hepatic flexure
- Supine sigmoid views (angled)
- Cecum
ALL the films must be evaluated by a
radiologist before the patient leaves the department in case
additional radiographs are needed to evaluate suspicious areas. If a
lesion is suspected in the distal rectum, removal of the enema tip
and additional radiographs will be necessary.
- Drain barium with the patient prone and the rectal tube open
to bag (have the patient bear down, done after barium in the
transverse colon).
- Double contrast cecum can be obtained by the patient placed
Trendelenberg, in the left lateral decubitus position.