24 form simplified tai chi
1. Commencement
2a. part the wild horse's mane (left)
2b. part the wild horses mane (right)
2c. part the wild horses mane (left)
3. while crane spreads its wings
4a. brush knee and twist steps (left)
4b. brush knee and twist steps (right)
4c. brush knee and twist steps (left)
5. play the pipa
6a. repulse the monkey (right)
6b. repulse the monkey (left)
6c. repulse the monkey (right)
6d. repulse the monkey (left)
7a. grasping sparrow's tail (left - ward off)
7b. grasping sparrow's tail (left - roll back and repulse)
7c. grasping sparrow's tail (left - push)
8a. grasping sparrow's tail (right - ward off)
8b. grasping sparrow's tail (right - roll back and repulse)
8c. grasping sparrow's tail (right - push)
9. single whip
10a. cloud hands 1
10b. cloud hands 2
10c. cloud hands 3
11. single whip
12. high pat on horse
13 kick with right foot
14. strike ears with both fists
15.turn and kick with left foot
16a. snake in the grass (left)
16b. stand on one leg (left)
17a. snake in the grass (right)
17b. stand on one leg (right)
18a. fair lady play with shuttle (left)
18b. fair lady play with shuttle (right)
19. needle at the bottom of the sea
20 fan through back
21. turn body, deflect, parry and punch
22. apparent close up
23. cross hands
24. conclusion