
Kyoto (Old capital of Japan, before Tokyo. The only city with straight streets in Japan.)


新幹線の中 (inside Shinkansen trains)

新幹線 (Shinkansen, the fastest train in the world.)

清水寺の近くのPAGODA (some pagoda near Kiyomizudera Temple)

清水寺 (kiyomizudera temple)

知恩院 (Chionin temple, the biggest Bhuddist temple in Japan)
平安神宮 (Heianjinguu Shrine, the old palace during the Heian Period)
京都タワー (Kyoto Power)

祇園 (Gion, famous for its night life)

二条城 徳川将軍にって 建てられた。

Nijoujou Castle, built by the famous General Tokugawa.

金閣寺 (kinkakuji temple, the Golden Pavilion)


last updated: Aug, 16, 2003 by エレン イエ
