Record # 38 (Sawyer 1317, dated 969)


[Cotton Tiberius A. xiii, fos. 58r–v]


(Note in right margin:  Æt bisceopes stoce. æþelweardo and æþelmæro.”)

Ego oswald ergo christi crismate præsul iudicatus dominicæ incarnationis anno . dcccclxviiii . Annuente . regi anglorum eadgar . ælfereque merciorum comite nec non et familiæ weogornensis æcclesiæ . quandam ruris particulam duas uidelicet mansas in loco qui cælebri uocatur a soliculis æt stoce . uocabulo cuidam ministro meo nomine æþelweardo . perpetua largitus sum hereditate . et post uitæ suæ terminum duobus tantum heredibus inmunem derelinquat quibus defunctis aecclesiæ dei in weogornaceastre restituatur. Þis wæs gedon ymbe .viiii . nigon hund wintra and lxviiii . and on nigoþan geare þe oswald bisceop to folgoðe feng . Sancta maria and sanctus michahel cum sancto petro and eallum godes halgum gemiltsie þis heallendum gif hwa butan gewyrhtum hit abrecan wylle hæbbe him wið god gemæne buton he ær to dædbote gecyrre . her is seo hond seten .          Oswald bisceop.             wulfric presbyter.

Eadgar presbyter.                                wistan presbyter.

ælfred clericus.                                   æþelstan presbyter.

wulfhun clericus.                                byrhtstan clericus.

ælfstan clericus.                                  wulfgar clericus.

Eadwine clericus.                                wynstan clericus.

[fo. 58v]

þis syndon þa land gemæru twegra hida æt stoce ærest on æscwellan of æscwellan west on þa halas þanon on dyrninces grafes wyrt truman þæt swa on swepelan stream . of swepelan streame west be wudu riman on readan wege suðweardan of readan wege west eft in æscwellan.