Record # 37 (Sawyer 1346, dated 984)


[Cotton Tiberius A. xiii, fos. 57r–58r]


(Note in right margin:  Geanbec into gleweceaster  æt bisceopes stoce. æþelweard and æþelmæro.”)

Her beneoðan synd þa genbec into gleawecesterscyre.

Alma et indiuidua ubique inlocaliter regnante trinitate . nec non æþelredo allubescente Ac fauente per omni parentis notum totius Albionis basileo . Ælfrici merciorum comite consentiente . Ego oswaldus largiflua dei clementia archpresul quandam rurisculi partem tres scilicet mansas in loco qui uocatur æt bisceopes stoce . libenti concedo [fo. 58r] animo cum omnibus ad eum utilitatibus rite pertinentibus cum consultu atque permissione uenerabilis weogernensium familiae æþelredo meo uidelicet milito . pro eius humili subiectione atque famulatu ut uita comite illo feliciter perfruatur absque ullius refragatione . Duobusque quibuscumque decreuerit post metam proprii æui cleronominis relinquat; Finitoque illorum uite curriculo ad usum primatis in weogornaceastre redeat inmunis aecclesiae. Anno dominicæ incarnationis . dcccc . lxxxiioii . Scripta est cartula ista his testibus astipulantibus quorum nomina infra caraxata cernuntur. Ðis synd þa land gemæro þæra þreora hida æt bysceopes stoce. ærest on þæs heges hyrnan be westan stoce. of þam on þa ealdan dic on haran mære norðwardne. of haran mære innan filidleage norðwarde. of filidleage norðward in þone holan broc . of þæm holan broce innan sweoperlan stream. of sweorwerlan streame on dinningegrafes wyrttruman. of dynningegrafes wyrttruman eall swa se dic sceot on esnig mædwæ wearde. of esnig mædwan eal swa þæt ealderiþig sceot upon þone ealdan hearpað. of þæm ealdan hearpaðe upon þa healdan dic wið stoces weard . of þære ealdan dic eal swa se hege sceot be stoce westan eft on þæs heges hyrnan.

Ego oswaldus christi largitione archipontifex cum caractare sancte crucis corroboraui.

Ego wynsige presbyter.                       Ego eadgar presbyter.

Ego æþelstan presbyter.                      Ego wistan presbyter.

Ego ælfsige presbyter.                         Ego æþelstan presbyter.

Ego æþelsige presbyter.                      Ego eadward presbyter.

[fo. 58r]

Ego godingc diaconus.                       Ego leofwine monachus.

Ego leofstan diaconus.                        Ego wulfric clericus.

Ego wulfweard diaconus.                   Ego aþelwold clericus.

Ego æþelric diaconus.                         Ego wulnoð clericus.

Ego cyneþegn clericus.                       Ego wulfwine clericus.

Ego wulfgar clericus.