Record #30 (Sawyer 1556)


[Cotton Tiberius A. xiii, fo. 114r–v]


Ðis synd þa landgemær into widiandune. Ærest of annaforda innan tilnoþ andlang tilnoþes to waclescumbe betweoh waclescumbe and ealden slæde innan mænanlea fram mænanlea on horswege of horswege innan gatanstige þanon innon denebroc of denebroce innon tilnoþ andlong tilnoþes to halganwyllan of þære wyllan in hreodcumb ðanon in þa mærdic. andlang þære dic to cnictes ferwege of þam wege on ealdan stanwege of stanwege on posecumbes heafdon and swa on suð healf þæs mores to wohon æc from þære æc þruh þone sceagan on flodleah þanon on beamweg fram þam wege on buccanslæd and swa eft on beanweg andlang ðæs weges to colesburnan forda from þam forda innon cyrnea andlang ea to mærcumbe lang cumbes to lind ofres heafdan and swa to þam fulanwege to nataleahes æsce fram þæm æsce to duddan heale fram þam heale andlang mærweges to byrcres heale and swa to pican stapele of þam stapule in catteshlinc fram þam hlince innan mærbroc andlang broces to mærforda of þam forda to sceapan ecge [fo. 114v] and swa on þone grenanweg andlang weges to weallehes wege and þanon on stanihtan weg to alre wyllan of alre wyllan to þære ealdan dic andlang dic ofer huniburnan in þa oþre ealdan dic and swa in þone mylen pol of þam pole to þære port stræte andlang stræte to þam þorne on annandune of þære dune into annancrundele and swa æfter stræte in annanford.