Transcriptions of Worcester single-sheet acta preserved at the British Library (under construction)

BL Cotton Aug. ii. 30 (S 117; B. M. Facs., i. 11)

Cuncta labilis uitae huius subsistentia momentanea et caduca prae oculis decessu praesentium proximorum cernentes . festinandum nobis est summopere . ut operemur bonum ad omnes sicut ueridica apostolici dogmatis comprobat assertio maxime autem ad domesticos fidei; Qua propter ego offa caelica fulciente clementia rex merciorum simulque aliarum circumquaque nationum ad aecclesiam quam eanulfus auus meus in honore beati petri principis apostolorum construxit ubi dicitur Æt breodune pro salute animae meae priorumque meorum largior terram . x . manentium ubi dicitur Æt wærset felda . and Æt coftune . v . cassatorum . tantundem Æt wreodan hale id est . v . mansarum cum silua quae eisdem terris adiacet . Æt cum pratis . pascuis . aquarum riuulis sine ullo obstaculo contradictionis posterum meorum principum uel ducum in usum episcopi weogernensis aecclesiae maneat . Sit autem terra illa libera ab omni exactione regum Et principum ac subditorum ipsorum . preter pontis et arcis restaurationem Et hostilem expeditionem . Anno autem dominicae incarnationis . dcco . xxxo . conscripta est haec donatio telluris a me Et ab episcopis ac principibus meis quorum infra nomina adnotabo.
Ego offa dei dono rex hanc meam donationem signo sancte crucis munio .
Ego cyneðryð dei gratia regina merciorum huic donationi regis consensi . et subscripsi .
Ego ioanberhtus archi episcopus.
Ego eadberhtus episcopus.
Ego ceolwulfus . episcopus.
Ego tilherus . episcopus.
Signum manus brordan principis.
Signum manus berhtuudi ducis.
Signum manus eadbaldi principis.
Signum manus eadbaldi ducis.

BL Harley Ch. 83 A.3 (S 1421; BM Facs., iv. 43)

Her swutelað on ymb þa foreward þe wæron ge worhte be twux þam hirede on wihgeraceastre . and fuldre . þæt is þæt he hæbbe þæt land æt ludintune . iii . gear ; for þam ðreom pundum þe he lænde . and þone bryce þe on ðam lande beo . iii . gear . and binnon þrym gearum . agife þæt land þam hirede ; mid swa myclum swa se hired him on hand sette . þæt synd . xii . þeowe men . and . ii . gesyldðe oxan . and .i. hund sceapa . and half hundred foðra cornes . And se ðe þas foreward to breke ne gewurðe hit him næfre for gifen . ac beo he for demed into helle wite . and þær mid deofle wunige oð to domes dæge ;.

BL Add. Charter 19789

In nomine domini ihesu christi saluatoris . Nihil intulimus in hunc mundum uerum Nec auferre quid possumus idcirco terrenis ac caducis aeterna et caelestis patrie praemia mercanda sunt qua propter Cum licentia et permissione piissimi regis offan mercionum . Nos tres germani uno patre editi eanberht atque uhtred necnon Et aldred pretio redemptionis animae nostrae Non ignorantes in futuro prodesse Si quid christi membris libenter Inpendimus donabimus tibi headda abbas terram iuris nostri decem cassatorum . æt onnanforda Confiniae tamen eiusden terrae ab australi plaga uuisleag . ab occidente rindburna . a septem trionale meos geleo . Ab oriente uero onnanduun
Cum campis siluis pratis pascuis Cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus Ut quicquid exinde agere uolueris liberam habeas arbitrium donandi in tuo sit potestate . Numquam nos heredes que nostros ullo tenpore Contra hanc donationem esse uenturos . Quod si quis presumserit in magno uel in modico inrumpere . sit separatus ab omne societate christianorum et in examine districti iustique iudicis presumtionis suae poenam incurrat . Ad cuius cumulum Nihil ominus firmitatis testes conpetenti numero ut subscriberent rogauimus Et ipsi signum sanctae crucis inpresserunt . Peracta est autem haec donatio in mense februarii indictione . xii . anno uero ab incarnatione christi . dcc luiiii . Et isti testes Consenserunt.
Ego offa rex merciorum huic donationi Consensi Et subscripsi.
Ego eanberht regulus consensi. Ego uhtred regulus consensi.

BL Add. Charter 19790 (S 139; s. viii/ix; BM Facs. ii. 5; ChLA, 180; LW f. 52 r - v.)

BL Add. Charter 19791 (S 1281; BM Facs., iii., 2)

Lower half of a chirograph (COROGRAPHVM)
Rixiendum on ecnisse ussum drithne hælende criste seðe all ðing gemetegað ge on heofenum ge on eorðan þæs inflæscnisse ðy gere þe agen wæs dcccc wintra and iiii winter and ðy uii gebon gere . Ic uuerfrid biscop mid mines arweorðan heorodes geðafuncga and leafe on weogerna ceastre sylle wulfsige minum gerefan wið his holdum mægene and eadmodre hernesse anes hides lond on eastune swa swa herred hit hæfde on ðreora monna dæg and all ðæt inn lond beligeð an dic utane and þonne ofer ðreora monna dæg agefe monn eft ðaet lond . butan elcon wiðer cwide inn to weogerna ceastre and ðis seondan ðara monna noman ðe ðæt geðafedon and mid cristes rode tacne gefaestnedon + uuerfrið biscop . + cynehelm abbot + uuerfrið prebyster + eadmund prebyster + berhtmund prebyster + tidbald prebyster + hildefrið prebyster + ecfrið prebyster + eaduulf prebyster + wiglaf prebyster + oslac diacon + cynað diacon + berht helm + wig heard + monn + earduulf + uullaf + berhthelm + heahred + cynelaf + uulfred + cynehelm + uulfric + cenfrið + hwituc + cynelaf + ceolhelm + uullaf + ealh mund + earduulf + uulfgar

BL Add. Charter 19792 (S 1326; BM Facs., iii, 28; text recorded in BL Cotton Tiberius A xiii, fos. 83v - 84r)

Upper portion of chirograph (CYROGRAVVM)
Ic oswold bisceop þurh godes gefe mid geþafunge and leafe eadgares angul kynincges and ælfheres mercna heretogan and þæs hieredes on wiogerne ceastre landes sumne dæl þæt sint . . hida on twuam tunum þe fram cuþum mannum teot tingc tun and ælf siges tun sint gehatenne sumum cnihte þæm is osulf nama for godes lufan and for uncre sibbe mid eallum þingum to freon þe þærto belimpað his dæg forgeaf and æfter his dæg twam erfe weardum þæt beo his bearn swilc lengest mote gief him þæt giefeþe bið æfter þara bearna dæge fo eadleofu to his gebedde hire dæg æfter hire dæge becweþe hire broþrum twam swilc hire leofest sy æfter hieora dæge eft into þære halgan stowe .
Sy hit ælces þinges freoh butan ferd fare and walgeworc and brygc geworc þis wæs gedon ymbe nigon hund wintra and nigon and seoxtig þæs þe drihtnes gebyrd tide wæs . on þy nigoþan geare þæs þe oswold bisceop to folgaþe fenge . Sancta maria et sanctus michahel Cum sancto . petro and eallum godes halgum gemilt sien þis healdendum gief hwa buton gewyrhtum hit awendan wille god adilgie his noma of lifes bocum and habbe him gemæne wið hine on þam ytemestan dæge þysses lifes butan he to rihtere bote ge cerre. +Her is seo hond seten oswoldes bisceopes . and unna hierdes on wiogerna ceastre .
+ wulfric mæssepreost. + ælfred clericus + cynsige clericus + eadward clericus + leof wine clericus
+ eadgar mæssepreost + wulfhun clericus + ælfstan clericus + tuna clericus + wulf noð clericus
+ æþelstan mæsspreost + brihstan clericus + eadwine clericus + ufic clericus
+ wistan mæsspreost + wulfgar clericus + ælfgar clericus + wulfheah clericus

BL Add. Charter 19794 (S 1347; BM Facs., iii, 32)

lower portion of chirograph (CYROGRAFVM)

Anno dominicae incarnationis . dccccLxxxiiii . Ego osuuold . superni rectoris fultus iuuamine archi praesul cum licentia ÆþeLredi . regis anglorum ac ÆLfrice . ducis merciorum cuidam ministro meo qui agnosticis nota . cynelm . nuncupatur uocabulo ob eius fidele obsequium quandam ruris particulam . ii et dimidium uidelicet mansas quod solito uocitatur nomine æt caldinc cotan . cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus liberaliter concessi ut ipse uitacomite fideliter perfruatur et post uitae suae terminum duobus quibus uoluerit cleronomis derelinquat . quibus etiam ex hac uita migratis rus predictum cum omnibus utensilibus ad usum primatis ecclesiae dei in weogerne ceastre restituatur immunis . Þonne is þæs londes þridde halfhid þe oswold arce bisceop selð cynelme his þegne to boc lond swa he hit him ær hæfde to forlæten to læn londe ægþær ge on earð londe ge on hom londe
+ ego oswold archi episcopus + ego wistan prebyster + ego godingc diaconus + ego leof wine clericus
+ ego wynsige prebyster + ego eadward prebyster + ego leofstan diaconus + ego ufuc clericus
+ ego æþelstan prebyster + ego æþelsige prebyster + ego wulfhun clericus + ego ælfnoð clericus
+ego ælfsige prebyster + ego wulfward diaconus + ego cyneþegn clericus + ego aþelwold clericus
+ ego eadgar prebyster + ego æþric diaconus + ego wulfgar clericus + ego wulfnoð clericus

BL Add. Charter 19795 (S 1385; BM Facs., iv.13; text also appears in BL MS Cotton Tiberius A xiii-b, fos. 162 r- v).

Lower portion of chirograph (CYROGRAWM)
Naturæ rerum uarie et labens seculum istis succedunt temporibus ita ut quis quamuis sub uero testimonio constitutus sit aliquando fraudulenter aut aliquando obliuiosam ducit mentem ideo quicquid huiusscemodi rei facimus in scedulis scribendo adnotamus . Nunc ego wulfstanus domino prouidente archipontifex quandam telluris particulum id est mansam dimidiam in loco qui uocatur pyriae cuidam matronae cuius uocabulum est wulgyuu ob huius erga me beniuolentiam in ius proprium condono ut duobus quibuscumque post se uoluerit derelinquat heredibus et post wiogornensi ecclesiae reddatur inmunis . Sit autem haec tellus a mundiali seruitio libera exceptis tribus expeditione pontis urbisue restauratione . His etenim metis praefata tellus circumgyratur
Ðis syndan þære halfre hide lond gemæru up æt þære pirian þæt is ærest fornongean þære cyrcan ollung þære hegreawe on æglardes mersc ollung þære hegreawe inne þa strete ollung þære strete þæt upp on þæne hyl of þam hylle dun in þæt dæll þæt ollung þæs dæles þæt up on þone hyll be henon lipperd ofre midne graf þæt in þone midlestan holan weg þæt innan þa hegreawe ollung þa hegreawe innan þone readan weg ollung þæs readan weges þæt innan þa hecce ollung þa hecce þæt innan þa hecce fornigean þære cyrcan . and þæt land þærto þe æþelnoþ ahte up ættan ofran and þæne hagan þe eadwerd ahte and þæne mæd æcer þe þærto hyrð
ego wulfstan archipraesul
ego eadric prebyster
ego wulfwine prebyster
ego æþelric diaconus
ego ælfgar diaconus
ego þurferð diaconus
ego wulfwarð clericus
ego leofric clericus
ego æþelwine clericus
ego eadric milites
ego byrhtwine milites
ego leofric milites

BL Add. Charter 19796 (S 1423; BM Facs., iv. 15)

Ðis syndon þa foreword þe ælfwerd abbot and se hired on eoueshamme worhtan wið æðelmær ða hi him þæt land sealdon æt norðtune . wið . iii . pundon þreora manna dæg þæt syndon . iii . hyda to inware . and oðer healf to utware swa swa he hit gebohte þa hit westelæg . æt hacune and æt leofrice . and æt ealrescire . þæt is þæt we hit unnon him on godes est . and on Sancta marian . and on þæs halgan weres [? Sanctus Egwines?] þe hit into þam mynstre beget . and gange ægðer ge cyricsceat ge teoðunge into þam halgan mynstre swa he mycele þearfe ah þæt hi don . and toll and team sy agifen into þam mynstre butan he hit geearnian mæge to þam ðe þænne ah mynstres geweald . and æfter þreora manna dæge gange þæt land in mid . i . men . and mid . vi . oxan . and mid . xx . sceapum . and mid . xx . æcerum gesawenes cornes . and þyssa gewrita synd . iii . an lið on wigra cestre æt Sancta marian mynstre . and oððer lið on eofes hamme . and þridde hæfð æðelmer . Se þe þis gehealde gehealde hine god . and se ðe hit awende oððe gelytlige . gelytlige god his mede on þam toweardum life . butan he hit ær his ende þe deoppor gebete . and þis wæs gedon be þyssa witena gewytnessæ þe her wið nyðan awritene standað . þæt is ærest ælfgeofu seo hlæfdie þe þæs mynstres walt . and wulfstan arcebiscop .
and leofsige biscop.
and byrhtwold biscop
and ælfsige abbas .
and ælfwerd abbot .
and leofsige abbot .
and afa abbot .
and hacun eorl .
and eglaf eorl .
and leofwine ealdorman .
and leofric . and eadwine .
and byrht teg munuc .
and byrhtwine .
[in another, smaller hand inserted near right margin: "and ælfsige munuc? minister?"]

BL Add. Charter 19797 (S 1399; BM Facs., iv. 19)

In nomine domini . Ic byrhteh . bisceop . mid godes geðeahte and þæs arwyrðan hiredes on wiger na ceastre . and on ealra þæra ðegena gewitnysse into glæaweceastre scire ic cyþe þæt ic gean wulmære minum cnihte twegra hida landes in easttune for his godra gear nunge swa ful and swa forð swa he hit hæfde under leofsige . bisceop . and under me syd þan hæbbe he and welbruce þreora manna dæg to rihtere geyrsum nysse . into ðære halgan stowe to wigerna ceastre butan he hit for wyrce . Ðæs is to gewitnys se se hired on wigraceastre and on glæaweceastre . and on eofeshom . and on prescoran .

BL Add. Charter 19798 (S 1393; BL Facs., iv. 22)

Anno dominice incarnationis . millissimo . xxxviii . nostreque redemptionis qui iure diuina humanaque propria dispensat sophismate suae creaturae perpetualiter ne deficiant temporalem atque aeternam administrat alimoniam . In cuius onomate ego LYFINGUS episcopus omnipotentis dei iussu aliquam telluris duas cassatos in loco qui ab incolis noto TAPEN HALAN uocitatur appellamine meo fideli largior EARCYTEL utenti nomine . trium uidelicet spatium uitae hominum . quibus aetiam ex hac uita migratis rus praedictum cum omnibus utensilibus ad usum primatis aecclae dei in uueogerna ceastre . restituatur inmunis . Sit autem terra illa libera ab omni saecularis rei negotio . praeter pontis et arcis restaurationem et publicam expeditionem contra hostes . His metis praefatum rus hinc inde giratur :-
Ðis synd þa land gemæro into tapenhalan . þæt is ærest of bradaforda east in ða hegreawe . æfter þære heghreawe þæt cymð innan ða ealdan dic . æfter þære dic þæt to ðam holan wege . ofer þone weg west riht to þære ealdan dic . æfter þære dic to þære bradan stræt . of þære bradanstræt be þam grafe innan ða portstræt . æfter stræte innan dillameres dic . of þære dice ende . innan þa wællan . of þære wællan . in þa sandihte stræt . æfter stræte norð on bisceopes scirlett . ofer . bisceopes scirlett in lin aceran wege þam innmæstan . of lin aceran innan ðone hege . æfter þam hege on broce holes weg . of brocc holes wege innan þone croft . of þam crofte be þam gearde innan leofesunes croft . of þam crofte innan salewearpan . æfter salewearpan in oter burnan . æfter oter burnan . þæt cymð eft in salewearpan . and twegen hagan binnan porte :- Hii sunt testes et consentientes huius donationis :-
Ego Lyfingus episcopus christi largitione caracterem saluificae crucis inpressi :-
Ego ælfweardus episcopus confirmaui .Ego odda milites .Ego leofric minister .Ego eatstan prebyster .Ego berhtwine prebyster:-
Ego æþelstanus episcopus consolidaui .Ego eadwine milites . Ego æþelwine prebyster . Ego wiltan prebyster . Ego wulfward prebyster:-
Ego leofric dux .Ego earni . Ego wistan prebyster .Ego wulstan prebyster .Ego eadwig diaconus:-
Ego ælfstan diaconus . Ego earnwi clericus .Ego þurkel clericus .Ego berhtmær clericus:-
C Y R O G R A P H V M :-

BL Add. Charter 19799 (S 1407; BL Facs., iv. 23)

upper portion of chirograph (C Y R O G R A P H V M)
In ures drihtnes naman hælendes cristes ic Leofinc bisceop mid þafunge and leafe HEARÐACNUTES cynges and þæs arwurþan hiredes æt wigornaceastre ge iunges ge ealdes gebocige sumne dæl landes minan holdan and getreowan þegene þam is ÆGELRIC nama . ii hida . æt EADMUNDdes cotan hæbbe he and welbruce . for his eadmodre gehersumnysse and for . his licwurðansceatte . þæt is þæt he hit hæbbe and well bruce his dæge . and æfter his dæge twam erfewardum þan ðe him leofest sy . and him betst to ge earnian wylle . and he hit hæbbe to freon ælces þinges butan wall geweorce and brygc geweorce and ferdsocne . God ælmihtig þone gehealde . þe þas ure sylena and ure gerædnyssa healdan wylle on ælce healfe . gif ænig þonne sy uppahofen and inblawen on þa ofer hyda þære ge ættredan deofles lare . and wylle þas ure sylena gewemman oððe gewonian on ænigum þingum . wite he hine amansumadne mid annaniam and saphiram on ece forwyrd . butan he hit her ær wurðlice gebete gode and mannum . Ðis wæs gedon þy geare þe wæs agan fram cristes gebyrtide an þusend wintra and twa and xlii . wintra . Ðis is seo gewitnes . þæt is hearþa cnut cyng and ælfgeofu his modor and LyFING . bisceop . and eall se hired on wigra ceastre . and ælfward . bisceop . and se hired on eofsehomme . and godwine abbad and se hired on wincelcumbe . and leofric . eorl . and ealle þa þegenas on wigraceastre scire . ge englisce ge denisce .

BL Add. Charter 19800 (S 1407; BL Facs., iv. 32)

Lower portion of chirograph (CYRO GRA PHVM [flourish])
In nomine summi saluatoris . mediatorisque dei et hominum christi ihesu christi . qui dedit semet ipsum pro nobis ut nos redimeret ab omni iniquitate ut mundaret sibi populum pectatorum operum bonorum . Ego ealdredus episcpous cum licentia uenerande familie in uuigorna civitate . dabo cuidam religioso atque mihi fideli uiro nomine BALWINE . pro eius placabile obsequium . in eius diem et in dies duorum post se quos ipse predestinat sibi ad habendum et liberaliter ad regendum . Est autem praephata terra duorum mansorum et una pertica . in illa uico qui uocatur WESTUN . quam ego dabo ei liberam . In campis . pascuis . pratis . et omnibus utilitatibus rite ad eam pertinentibus . tribus exceptis causis . id est expoeditione pontis . arcisue constructione . Quibus tribus hominibus finitis . uenererande familie sancte MARIAE sine contradictione restituatur . Si quisquam igitur diro inuidiae mucronae truciter stimulatus . istam meae oompositionis dapsilitatem euertere conatus fuerit . nouerit se in nouissima seculi hora uoracibus flammis perpetue ultionis incessabilit(er) puniendus . in conueniente penitudine sufficientur aemendet . Hii sunt testes huius donationis :-
Ego ealdred episcopus hanc prophatam donationem concessi. .Ego wulfstan sacradotes . Ego Berhtric . Ego ælfnoð . Ego eadmær M I N I S T E R :-
Ego wulfward abbas .Ego harold dux . Ego æglwine sacradotes . Ego edwig sacradotes . Ego leofwine clericus. Ego Tosti . Ego Leofwine .Ego ealdred M I N I S T E R :-
Ego berhtwald abbas . Ego Odda dux . Ego wulfwig sacradotes .Ego ælfstan sacradotes . Ego wulfwig clericus . Ego ælfstan . Ego Godwine . Ego ælfric M I N I S T E R :-
Ego mannig abbas .Ego Raulf dux .Ego wilstan sacradotes . Ego þurkyll sacradotes . Ego Godwine clericus . Ego mannig . Ego earkyll . Ego æglric M I N I S T E R: -

BL Add. Charter 19801 (S 1405; BL Facs., iv, 38)

Lower portion of chirograph (CYROGRAUUM)
Anno dominice ab incarnatione domini nostri iesu christi . Millessimo lviii . Sanctae uuigornensis aecclesiae .
Ego EALDREDUS EPISCOPUS . cum licentia ac consensu familiae monasterialis quandam ruris particulam ii (duos) . quoque mansas . et unam p(er)ticam . qui agnotis uocitatur nomine NORÐTUN . quadam meo ministro qui nuncupatur DODDA . Cum omnibus ad se rite pertinentibus . Campis . pacuis . pratis . siluis . liberaliter concedo ut ipse habeat et possideat quamdiu uiuit. et post uitam suam ad episcopalem sedem . sine contradictione restituatur . Sit autem terra ista libera preter pontis arcisue restauratione . et com muni expeditione nec non et aecclesiastice census .
Ðis is ðære twegra hida boc and anre gyrde æt norðtune and ða feower æceras ðærto of ðære styfycunge into ðam twam hidan and ða mæde . and ðone graf ðe þærto mid rihte to ligeð . and ða ðry æceras mæde on afan hamme . þe sancte oswold geaf bercstane into ðam lande . and ðiss synd þa land gemæro into ðam grafe . ærost of ðære dune and lang þære rode oð hit cymð beneoðan stancnolle þanon on gerihte to cwennhofoton . of cwennhofton . be norðon þam mere þanon on gerihte eft up on ða dune.
Ego EADUUEARD rex anglorum hanc prefatam donationem concessi. Ego ægelric minister Ego eadric minister
Ego EALDREDUS episcopus Donaui. Ego wulfstan sacradotes Ego godric sacradotes Ego godric minister Ego brihtwine minister
Ego Ægelwig abbas Ego wulfwig sacradotes Ego godric diaconus Ego ceolmær minister Ego norðman minister
Ego Godric abbas Ego wylstan sacradotes Ego godwine diaconus Ego atser minister Ego arngeat minister
Ego Eadmund abbas Ego ælfstan sacradotes Ego brihtric minister Ego æstan minister