Eric's Home Page > Photos > January 2004 > 01/10-01/14

January 10-14, 2004 - TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

Went back to TRB for the second year in a row with the Berkeley crew to check out a whole new set of sessions.
Also had a chance to meet up with more old friends from the University of Toronto. (First 4 pics)
Meanwhile, I also met up with an old NAESC friend, Ginger.
And what is another trip without a sporting event? With Yao in town, I had to check out the action at the MCI Center.

UofT Profs. Shalaby & Abdulhai

Kenny, Ginger, Me

Terri, Scott

Flavia, Paul

Berkeley Lunch @ Thaiphoon

Karen, Cindy, Gautam, Emily, Puja, Me

Me, Roger, Rebecca, Flavia

Kenny, Deborah, Luis, Cristiano, Gautam, Emily

Jess, Chris


Sally, Cristiano

Cheering Yao @ MCI Center