European Vacation Itinerary (6/8/2005 ~ 6/25/2005)


Itinerary at a Quick Glance:









Tuesday, 06/14


A fun day for people who don't get seasick...

  • From Stabia, we boarded a ferry to Sorrento and then to the island of Capri.  Capri is well-known for lemoncello.  We then took a smaller boat to cruise around the island but didn't get a chance to see the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto), guess I'll have to wait when I go island hopping in Greece next year.



  • From what I remembered (only half paying attention to the guide + Frommer's), we landed in Marina Grande, the port community.  We then took the funicular to the town of Capri, where most restaurants and hotels are.  Po and I sat down with Martha and Marianne in Piazza Umberto I.  A short stroll later, we were in the Garden of Augusta.  Nearby was the Certosa of San Giacomo (Carthusian Monastery) founded in 1371.



  • I don't think we went any further from Capri, for the town of Anacapri was further up in the clouds.  According to Frommer's, one can get a panoramic view of the Bay of Napes at Monte Solaro, the loftiest citadel on the island.


  • After Capri, we took a fast boat to Sorrento.  Riding the waves was so much fun!  We got on a special bus that took us from the port through the narrow road to the the hilltop town.  There, we visited an inlaid wood factory.  I saw a very lovely dining room table with 8 chairs that costs 10,000 Euro (including door-to-door delivery though). 



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Wednesday, 06/15


Time stands still here...

  • This morning, we arrived at the ruins of Pompeii.  Our guide was quite knowledgeable, but I was disappointed that we were only in Pompeii from 8:30AM to approx. 10AM.  I felt like we've barely scratched the surface and there was a lot more to see still.



  • After Pompeii, we visited a cameo factory.  Granted, it was good to know how the ear rings and pendants were carved out of shells, but I'd rather spend more time in Pompeii instead of hearing sales pitch.


  • We then drove south to reach Assiss in the region of Umbria.  Assiss is the hometown of St. Francis, the founder of the Franciscan order.  St. Francis, along with St. Catherine of Siena, are the patron saints of Italy.  He was also remembered as a lover of nature.  The Basilica di San Francesco, consists of an upper and a lower church with very important frescos.  One of the most famous is Giotto's fresco of St. Francis preaching to the birds in the lower church.  The hotel we stayed at was near the bottom entrance of Assiss and the room we stayed in gave us a great view of nearby countryside.  We had dinner at the hotel with a bottle of local Sangiovese...  Very good.



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Thursday, 06/16


Almost in Venice...

  • We left Assiss to go to Venice via San Marino.  San Marino is the 3rd smallest state in Europe (after the Holy See and Monaco) and claims to be the world's oldest republic.  Its population is estimated to be less than 29,000.  Not sure exactly what San Marino is known for, perhaps silver and amber?



  • After dinner, we took a water taxi to Venice and cruised along the Grand Canal.  We landed near Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square).  Even at 9:30 PM, the piazza was still filled with tourists.  It was quite an enjoyment standing in the plaza listening to the orchestra playing familiar classical tunes.



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This page was last updated on 07/08/05.