The concept map above is in the form of an image map (i.e. as you mouse over the different regions on the perimeter and center of the graphic you will be able to navigate to the corresponding section of the Tsunami scientific website).

This site map was produced with Inspiration software using the principles of Concept Mapping. The concept mapping technique was pioneered by Joseph Novak in the 1960's based on psychologist David Ausubel's theories of Meaningful Learning. The use of this tool provides a means of communicating the overall structure and relationships between the various information areas which are presented on this site. Although the term
'concept' has a variety of definitions, Fleming and Levie (1993) (url) suggest that through the use of concepts and the grouping of ideas which share common characteristics, we increase our ability to learn and cope with new information. The use of a concept map as a navigational tool also provides an Advance Organizer for those visiting the site, helping to set the framework for the concepts to which they will be introduced. Taking into consideration the cognitive aspects of such a graphic, it also provides a sense of how the various topical areas 'fit' into the overall scheme, perhaps assisting the integration of this new information by increasing its Cognitive Accessibility.

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