English Christianity 1066-1500 | |
The St. George Flag
The British isles outside England
After the Reformation, rebellions, reprisals, acts of terrorism, and battles between English and Irish were frequent. The best known battle was at the river Boyne, July 12, 1690, where William III of England (William of Orange) was victorious hence the name Orangemen for Protestant Irish loyal to the English crown, and the annual July 12 parades which often turned to violence in Canadian towns in the nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries. In 1800, Protestants in the Irish Parliament, perceiving threats to their security, passed an Act of Union bringing Ireland into the new United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. After a rebellion at Easter 1916, Irish revolutionary sentiment gathered steam, and the southern part of Ireland won independence from in 1922.
After the Reformation, Welsh nationalist sentiment continued. In the 1990s the Blair government accommodated Welsh nationalism in various ways, particularly by creating a Welsh assembly which first convened in 1999.
The Norman Conquest brought English Christianity out of its insular existence fully into the European context. The Conqueror brought in monks and clergy from Normandy, and granted them land.
Church and state The history of Western Christianity in the later Middle Ages has been described as a perpetual border warfare between church and state.
Friars Although monasteries were financially strong until the Reformation, their spiritual health and influence appear to have diminished by the end of the thirteenth century. About that time there emerged the various orders of friars, who lived among the people, not in monasteries, and were noted as evangelists, preachers, writers, pastors, and scholars. But these, too, were losing their popularity by the time of Chaucer. Scholasticism This academic method of identifying theological issues, laying out two sides to the issue, weighing the pros and cons of each side, and then coming to a conclusion, dominated the theological enterprise from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries (and in many ways is with us still). Some of the greatest Scholastics were from Britain, notably Roger Bacon, d. ca. 1292; Duns Scotus, d. 1308; and William of Occam, d. 1347.
The greatest British heretic since Pelagius was John Wyclif, d. 1384. His later writings reflect the influence of the Great Schism (when two, then three popes contended for recognition, 13781417). One of the most noted scholastics of his day, he wrote the first full commentary on Scripture in almost a thousand years, and was named the evangelical doctor. He championed the authority of Scripture over the authority of tradition and the papal office, and critiqued the defects of the mass, in a way that some later thought foreshadowed the Reformation hence his epithet, the Morning Star of the Reformation. His clandestine followers, the Lollards, survived considerable persecution and can still be found in the early days of the Reformation in the 1520s. He was also influential on the continent, particularly among the Hussites of Bohemia. Parish life Church building. The thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were busy with the building of churches, leaving us with the characteristic English landscape of a church conspicuously placed in every village. The church was the centre of community social life. Like the society of the day, it was hierarchically ordered. Parish clergy were highly diverse socially and educationally. The seminary system did not yet exist: this is perhaps the most important of all differences between the clergy of medieval and modern times. Manuals of instruction for parish clergy abounded. Church finance. Every position in the church was both office and benefice. Vicars were appointed; pluralism and non-residence of clergy resulted. The laity. After the Fourth Lateran Council, we find a laity increasing in education and commitment, and on the eve of the Reformation a variety of lay guilds and associations with a strong appetite for religious literature and discussion. Saints, shrines, pilgrimage This gives us a window on the popular religion of the later middle ages. Chaucers Canterbury Tales was a special study for some in the class. Mysticism In the century or so from about 1325 to 1425 England made a weightier contribution to Christian mysticism than it ever had before or ever has since. Examples are Julian of Norwich, d. after 1413 (a special study for some in the class); Margery Kempe, d. after 1433, accused of Lollardy; Richard Rolle, d. 1349, and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing, 14th century. Renaissance By the late 1400s, the continental Renaissance is being felt in England, notably in John Colet, d. 1519, dean of St. Pauls. His lectures at Oxford on St. Paul in 1497 were in the new humanistic tradition (in the Renaissance sense of humanism).
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