France and New France

WYH2003HS Spring 2003-- February 25


For class this week, please read the Jesuit Relations, vol. 23, chapters 2 through 11. Chapter 2 begins on page 17 (page numbers are given in boldface in brackets) and is titled "Of the House or Permanent Residence of Sainte Marie". Chapter 11 ends on page 203. This will initially appear to be about 200 pages of reading, but it's reproduced from a volume with English text on alternate pages only, so it's less than 100 pages, and each page is short, about 18 lines.

Feel free to browse around the Jesuit Relations. The destruction of Sainte-Marie among the Hurons and the martyrdom of Jean de Breboeuf are given in volume 34 (1649), but there are parts you won't want to read if you're given to queasiness.

Historical information about the Huron mission "Sainte-Marie among the Hurons", from Huronia Historical Parks, government of Ontario.

A helpful introduction to the Jesuit Relations by someone unknown to me.

A Houghton Mifflin textbook site introduces students to the Jesuit Relations.

A diversity of links to New World history.


Missions to New France

Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons

This mission near Georgian Bay, Simcoe County, Ontario, was built by Jesuits in 1639 and destroyed by the Iroquois, enemies of the Huron, in 1649.



Jean de Brebeuf








Marie Guyard, "Marie de l'Incarnation" (1599-1672)