Reformation and Early Modern Christianity:

Course requirements for WYH 2003HS


1. Choose one of the following, (a) or (b), for 65%: —

  • a. A research essay. This should be roughly twenty pages in length. You may choose any topic connected with the course, but it should be defined narrowly enough to allow thoughtful original research. Please submit a two-page précis on or before February 25 which will include a title, topic, likely thesis statement, search statement, and a bibliography. The research essay will be due on the last day of class, April 8. This assignment will be weighted 65% (of which 15% for the précis, 50% for the essay).
  • b. Three short papers. Each should be roughly six pages in length. The topic will be one of the assigned tutorial readings; the paper is due on the day on which the reading is being discussed in the tutorial. This assignment will be weighted 65% (25% for the paper with the highest mark, and 20% for each of the other two).

2. Tutorial participation, 15%. Those who aren't accustomed to speaking much in tutorials and who wish to strengthen their tutorial mark in another way may join an e-mail discussion group as well.

3. Choose one of the following, (a) or (b), for 20%:

  • a. Summative exercise. This will take the form of either a written exam or an oral exam, at the student's option. Questions for the written exam will be distributed ahead of time. Students may take the oral exam in pairs or in groups of three.
  • b. Weekly quizzes on the reading assigned for the day from González. The quizzes will be multiple choice, with (very roughly) about two questions per page of reading, and can be taken before or after class or during the break.

Alternative exercise

Instead of the final exam, or instead of one of the short papers, write two pages of notes on each of the assigned tutorial readings (except on days when you're writing a short paper). The notes should include a summary of the reading, plus a few questions on the reading that might be suitable for seminar discussio