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Administrative Experience
2001 - 2004 Statistician and Teacher
Navy School for Sub-officers, Barranquilla, Colombia
- Developed statistical methodology for self-evaluation in the process of the school's accreditation as a post-secondary technical institution
- Applied statistical theory to generate post-graduation information and opinion on the school's resources: from staff to labs and non-academic facilities, leading to improvement recommendations
- As a part of team I help to organized analysis and collection of documents, questionnaire surveys, interviews, and search conferences
2002 Course Co-ordinatorUniversidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
- Developed curriculum for the course Analysis in Rn , in the program for specialists in mathematics
1994-1997 Course Co-ordinatorUniversidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
- Developed curriculum, and coordinated joint examinations for the undergraduate course Mathematical Logic