Peter Hyunseok Jang

Product Engineer @ Survalent
Research @ UofT AIPS Lab

Undergraduate Student (Honours) @
University of Toronto

hyunseok [dot] jang [at] mail [dot] utoronto [dot] ca

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About me

I am a senior undergraduate student at the University of Toronto. Currently, I am working on ML models for electric power distribution systems at Survalent, while doing research on LLMs at the AIPS Lab under the supervision of Dr. Kristen Menou.

Previously, I worked on applying ML techniques to the South Korean grid funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

R&D Interests

I stand at the intersection of theoretical and applied research. I'm passionate about designing engines and intelligent agents that can operate and make decisions within cyber-physical systems, such as the smart grid. My research leverages machine learning techniques to achieve this, focusing on:

By applying these techniques, I aim to develop autonomous agents capable of sensor fusion, energy management, and efficient control within complex systems.


Novel Single Group-Based Indirect Customer Baseline Load Calculation Method for Residential Demand Response
HyunYong Lee, Hyunseok Jang, Seung-Hun Oh, Nac-Woo Kim, Seong-cheol Kim, Byung-Tak Lee
IEEE Access 2021
[Paper] [Press (Translated)]