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The following is a list of publications by Husain Lab members:


Peer Reviewed Research Papers       [Back to top]

Handa S, Sadi MA, Cybulsky MI, Stewart DJ, Husain M: Region-specific patterns of vascular remodeling occur early in atherosclerosis and without loss of smooth muscle cell markers Atherosclerosis 2007 Aug 8 [Epub ahead of print] (Supervisor of Handa, Sadi)

Afroze T, Sadi A.M., Momen MA, Gu S, Heximer S, Husain M: c-Myb-dependent inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Arterioscleros Thomb Vasc Biol 2007 Jun;27(6):1305-11. Epub 2007 Mar 15 (Supervisor of Afroze, Sadi, Momen)


Lu H, Fedak PWM, Dai X, Du C, Zhou YQ, Henkelman M, Mongroo PS, Lau A, Yamabi H, Hinek A, Husain M, Hannigan G, Coles JG: Integrin linked kinase (ILK) expression is elevated in human cardiac hypertrophy and induces hypertrophy in transgenic mice. Circulation 2006 114: 2271 - 2279 (Collaborator)

Fitchett DH, Borgundvaag B, Cantor W, Cohen E, Dhingra S, Fremes S, Gupta M, Heffernan M, Kertland H, Husain M, Langer A, Letovsky E, Goodman SG. Non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: A simplified risk-orientated algorithm. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(8): 663-77
Choi J, Chiang A, Taulier N, Gros R, Pirani A, Husain M: A Calmodulin-binding site on Cyclin E mediates Ca2+-sensitive G1/S transitions in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circ Res 2006; 98(10): 1273-81 with accompanying Editorial: 1240-3 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi, Chiang, Gros, Pirani)
Jolly S, Newton G, Horlick E, Seidelin PH, Ross HJ, Husain M, Dzavik V. Effect of vasopressin on hemodynamics in patients with refractory cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 2005; 96(12):1617-20 (Collaborator)
Costantini DL, Arruda EP, Agarwal P, Zhu Y, Zhu W, Lebel M, Cheng CW, Park CY, Pierce S, Chan TY, Kabir MG, Cheng SH, Husain M, Srivastava D, Gross GJ, Hui CC, Backx PH, Bruneau BG: Homeodomain transcription factor Irx5 establishes the normal mouse cardiac ventricular repolarization gradient. Cell 2005; 123(2): 347-58 (Collaborator, Supervisor of Chan, Kabir)
Fuse K, Chan G, Liu Y, Husain M, Gudgeon P, Chen M, Akira S, Yeh W, Liu PP: Myeloid differentiation factor-88 plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Coxsackievirus B3 induced myocarditis, and influences type I interferon production. Circulation 2005; 112(15):2276-85 (Collaborator)
Merklinger SL, Wagner RA, Spiekerkoetter E, Hinek A, Knutsen RH, Kabir MG, Desai K, Hacker S, Wang L, Cann GM, Ambartsumian NS, Lukanidin E, Bernstein D, Husain M, Mecham RP, Starcher B, Yanagisawa H, Rabinovitch M: Increased fibulin-5 and elastin in S100A4/Mts1 mice with pulmonary hypertension. Circ Res 2005; 97(6): 596-604 (Collaborator, Supervisor of Kabir)
Petrovici R, Emmett L, Lee DS, Husain M,  Iwanochko RM: Electrocardiographic prediction of the severity of posterior wall perfusion defects on rest 99mTc Sestamibi myocardial perfusion imaging. J Electrocard 2005; 38(3): 195-203 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Co-Supervisor of Petrovici, Emmett, Lee)
Toporsian M, Gros R, Kabir MDG, Vera S, Govindaraju K, Eidelman DH, Husain M, Letarte M:  A role for Endoglin in coupling eNOS activity and regulating vascular tone revealed in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Circ Res 2005 96(6): 684-92 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Co-Supervisor of Toporsian, Supervisor of Gros, Kabir)
Emmett L, Husain M, Lee DS, Petrovici RL, Freeman M, Barolet A, Iwanochko, RM: Reduced detection of triple vessel and left main coronary artery disease with attenuation corrected myocardial perfusion imaging. World J Nuc Med 2004; 3: 41-48 (Corresponding and Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Emmett, Lee, Petrovici)

Ohta K, Nakajima T, Cheah AY, Zaidi SH, Kaviani N, Dawood F, You XM, Liu P, Husain M, Rabinovitch M. Elafin-overexpressing mice have improved cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2004 Jul;287(1):H286-92.


Yang LL, Gros R, Kabir MG, Sadi A, Gotlieb AI, Husain M, Stewart DJ. Conditional cardiac overexpression of endothelin-1 induces inflammation and dilated cardiomyopathy in mice.  Circulation. 2004 Jan 20;109(2):255-61.


 Lebel M, Agarwal P, Cheng CW, Kabir MG, Chan TY, Thanabalasingham V, Zhang X, Cohen DR, Husain M, Cheng SH, Bruneau BG, Hui CC. The Iroquois homeobox gene Irx2 is not essential for normal development of the heart and midbrain-hindbrain boundary in mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Nov;23(22):8216-25.


Mungrue IN, Bredt DS, Stewart DJ, Husain M. From molecules to mammals: what's NOS got to do with it? Acta Physiol Scand. 2003 Oct;179(2):123-35.


Robert Gros, Talat Afroze, Xiao-Mang You, Golam Kabir, Ryan Van Wert, Waseem Kalair, Abunasr E. Hoque, Imran N. Mungrue, Mansoor Husain: Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase Over-expression in Arterial Smooth Muscle Increases Vasomotor Responsiveness and Blood Pressure. Circ Res 2003


Gros R, You X, Baggio L, Kabir MG, Mungrue IN, Parker TG, Huang Q, Sadi AM, Drucker DJ, Husain M. Cardiac function in mice lacking the glucagon like peptide-1 receptor. Endocrinology 2003; in press


Afroze T, Yang LL, Wang C, Gros R, Kalair W, Hoque ANE, Mungrue I, Zhu Z, Husain M: Calcineurin-independent regulation of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase-4 in mouse vascular smooth muscle cell cycle. Am J Physiol: Cell Physiol 2003 in press


You X, Mungrue I, Kalair W, Afroze T, Ravi B, Gros R, Husain M: Conditional expression of a dominant negative c-Myb in vascular smooth muscle cells inhibits arterial remodeling following injury. Circ Res 2003; 92: 314-321


Shakil T, Hoque ANE, Husain M, Belsham DD: Differential regulation of GnRH secretion and gene expression by androgen: Membrane versus nuclear receptor activation. Mol. Endocrinol., 2002; 16(11):2592-602


Mungrue IN, Gros R, You X, Pirani A, Azad A, Csont T, Schultz R, Butany J, Stewart DJ, Husain M: Cardiomyocyte over-expression of human inducible nitric oxide synthase in mice results in peroxynitrite generation, heart block and sudden death. J. Clin. Invest. 2002; 109: 735-743


Emmett L, Iwanochko, RM, Barolet A, Freeman M, Lee D, Husain M: Reversible regional wall motion abnormalities on exercise Tc-99m gated cardiac SPECT predict high-grade angiographic stenoses. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2002; 39: 991-998


Gros R, Van Wert R, You X, Thorin E, Husain M: Age, gender and blood-pressure-dependent myogenic responses in C57Bl/6 mice. Am. J. Physiol.: Heart & Circ. Physiol. 2002; 282(1): H380-H388


Zaidi SHE, You X, Ciura S, Husain M, Rabinovitch M.  Overexpression of the serine elastase inhibitor Elafin protects transgenic mice from hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Circulation 2002; 105: 516-521



Review Articles/Book Chapters/Other Monographs     [Back to top]

Handa S, Kolodziejska K, Husain M: VSMC: The muscle behind vascular biology. In The Endothelium: A Comprehensive Reference. Editor: William Aird; 2007 ISBN 978-0-521-85376-7 Chapter 61 p545-561. Cambridge University Press (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Handa & Kolodziejska)

Choi J, Husain M: Calmodulin-mediated cell cycle regulation: new mechanisms for old observations.  Cell Cycle. 2006 Oct;5(19):2183-6. Epub 2006 Oct 1. Review

Handa S, Kolodziejska K, Husain M: VSMC: The muscle behind vascular biology. In The Endothelium: A Comprehensive Reference. Editor: William Aird; 2006 in press. Cambridge University Press (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Handa & Kolodziejska)
Yang LL, Arab S, Liu P, Stewart DJ, Husain M: The role of endothelin-1 in myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy: old lessons and new insights. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2005; 83(1): 47-62 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Yang)
Mungrue IN, Bredt DS, Stewart DJ, Husain M: From Molecules to Mammals: What’s NOS got to do with it? Acta Physiol Scand 2003; 179(2): 123-35 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Mungrue)
Yang L, Husain M, Stewart DJ: The Role of Endothelin-1 in Myocardial Inflammation and Fibrosis.  Book Chapter (pages 371-384) in Inflammation and Cardiac Diseases 2003; ISBN 3-7643-6725-3; Birkhauser Verlag Publisher. Editors: Giora Z. Feuerstein, Peter Libby, Douglas L. Mann (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Co-Supervisor of Yang)
Arab S, Husain M, Liu P: Principles and methods of cDNA microarrays in heart failure research.  Book Chapter (pages 61-80) in Proteomic & Genomic Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease 2003; ISBN 3-527-30596-3; Wiley & Son Press Inc. Publisher: Editors: Jennifer E. Van Eyk & Micheal J. Dunn (Collaborator)
Afroze T, Husain M: c-Myb-mediated transcription of multiple Ca2+ transporters at the G1/S transition point of vascular smooth muscle cells”. Recent Res. Devel. Biol. Chem. 2002; 273-285 (ISBN 81-7736-153-8) (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze)
Mungrue IN, Husain M, Stewart DJ: The role of NOS in heart failure: lessons from murine genetic models. Heart Fail Rev. 2002; 7(4):407-22 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Mungrue)
Afroze T, Husain M: Cell cycle-dependent regulation of intracellular calcium concentration in vascular smooth muscle cells: A potential target for drug therapy. Curr Drug TargetsCardiovasc & Haematol Dis 2001; 1: 23-40 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze)
Husain M, Simons M: Vascular antisense targets: c-myc, c-myb and PCNA. Book Chapter (pages 71-98) in Applications of antisense therapies to restenosis. 1999; ISBN 0-7923-8423-7; Kluwer Academic Publisher: Editor: LeRoy E. Rabbani (Principal & Senior Responsible Author)
Handa S, Momen MA, Sadi AM, Afroze T, Wang C, Husain M: Troubles with a transgene: experiences with SM22a-tTA mice.  Letter to the Editor. Circ Res 2005 97(8):e85-e87 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Handa, Momen, Sadi, Afroze, Wang)
Mungrue IN, Stewart DJ, Husain M: The Janus faces of iNOS.  Letter to the Editor. Circ Res 2003; 93(7): e74 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Mungrue)


Recent Abstracts        [Back to top]

Noyan-Ashraf MH, Sadi A, Momen A, Drucker DJ, Husain M: Administration of a glucageon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist prevents cardiac rupture and increases survival in mice undergoing myocardial infarction. Circulation 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Noyan-Ashraf)


Kolodziejska K, Noyan-Ashraf MH, Nagy A, Bacon A, Frampton J, Xin HB, Lotikoff MI, Husain M: c-myb is critical for contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation. Circulation 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska and Noyan-Ashraf)


Ban K, Hoefer J, Baggio L, Bolz SS, Drucker DJ, Husain M: Mechanisms underlying cardioprotective effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Circulation 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Ban and Hoefer)


Afroze T, Yang G, Khoshbin A, Tanwir M, Tabish T, Elias C, Backx P, Husain M; Regulated alternative splicing of plasma membrane calcium atpase-4 during cell cycle progression of vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze, Tanwir and Tabish)


Kim K, Kabir M, Ban K, Husain M, Bruneau BG, Backx PH: Alteration in homeodomain transcription factor Irx5 affects contractility and the hypertrophic response of the heart to pressure overload via elevated Ito. Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Collaborator, Supervisor of Ban)


Mueller E, Momen A, Massé S, Kumaraswamy N, Stewart D, Husain M: Molecular and cellular basis of abnormal conduction in mice over-expressing ET-1. Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Mueller)


Ban K, Hoefer J, Baggio L, Bolz SS, Drucker DJ, Husain M: Mechanisms underlying cardioprotective effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Ban and Hoefer)


Kolodziejska KM, Noyan-Ashraf MH, Nagy A, Bacon A, Frampton J, Xin HB, Kotikoff MI, Husain M: c-Myb-dependent contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation. Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska)


Hoefer J, Momen A, Yang J, Lidington D, Bolz SS, Husain M: Enhanced myogenic vasoconstriction in a mouse model of congestive heart failure is associated with sensitization of specific signaling pathways. Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Hoefer)


Noyan-Ashraf MH, Sadi A, Momen A, Drucker D, Husain M: Administration of a glucagon-like-peptide-1 receptor agonist before myocardial infarction prevents cardiac rupture and increases survival in mice Can J Cardiol 2007 in press. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Noyan Ashraf)


Choi J, Husain M: Disrupting Calmodulin-cyclin E interactions with a novel peptide inhibits cell cycle progression and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement [1664]  (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi)


Sadi AM, Momen MA, Afroze T, Handa S, Kabir MG, Trivieri MG, Gros R, Backx P, Husain M: Cardiomyocyte-specific over-expression of Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4-C-I improves cardiac performance and reduces compensatory hypertrophy after infarction. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement [616]  (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Sadi. Momen, Afroze, Handa, Kabir, Gros)


Kolodziejska KM, Bauwens C, Xin HB, Kotlikoff MI, Nagy A, Zandstra PW, Husain M: Large-scale contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation from tissue-specific red fluorescence tagged mouse embryonic stem cells. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement 306  (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska)


Zaidi SHE, Riazi AM, Kabir MG, Husain M: Expression and signalling of specific bone morphogenetic proteins in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement [1451]  (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kabir)


dos Santos CC, Gattas D, Tsoporis J, Husain M, Slutsky AS, Parker T, Sibbald W: Nitric oxide-dependent differential genes expression in septic shock induced myocardial depression. Circulation 2006; 114 (18); Supplement [1561]  (Collaborator, Co-Supervisor Gattas)


Afroze T, Sadi AM, Gu S, Heximer S, Husain M: IP3-regulated Ca2+ release and c-Myb-dependent IP3R1 expression during cell cycle progression of vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement [1163]  (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze, Sadi)


Ban K, Baggio LL, Drucker D, Husain M: Role of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Circulation 2006; 114 (18): Supplement [1136]  (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Ban)


Choi J, Taulier N, Husain M: Inhibiting Calmodulin-cyclin E interactions arrests cell cycle progression of vascular smooth muscle cells. Eur Heart J 2006 27 (Supp):1195 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi)


Sadi AM, Momen MA, Afroze T, Handa S, Kabir MG, Trivieri MG, Gros R, Backx P, Husain M: Cardiomyocyte-specific conditional over-expression of Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4-C-I increased cardiac mass and performance. Eur Heart J 2006 27 (Supp):1195 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Sadi. Momen, Afroze, Handa, Kabir, Gros)


Petrovici R, Husain M, Lee DS, Iwanochko RM: Obesity influences the stress-ECG in the detection of SPECT reversible defects. Eur Heart J 2006 27 (Supp):1195 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici)


Jerkic M, Toporsian M, Yu ZQ, Kabir MG, Husain M, Henkelman M, Letarte M: Evidence for increased pulmonary vascular resistance in endoglin heterozygous mice. NIH Workshop on HHT 2006 (Collaborator, Supervisor of Kabir)


Toporsian M, Gros R, Kabir MG, Vera S, Govindaraju K, Eidelman DH, Husain M, Letarte M: Association of endoglin with the endothelial NO synthase is essential for the maintenance of vascular integrity. International HHT Meeting 2005. (Collaborator, Supervisor of Gros, Kabir)


Kolodziejska KM, Kotlikoff MI, Nagy A, Husain M: Contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation from tissue-specific red fluorescence tagged mouse embryonic stem cells. Can J Cardiol 2005 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska)


Kolodziejska KM, Nagy A, Frampton J, Husain M: c-Myb-dependent contractile smooth muscle cell differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells. Can J Cardiol 2005 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska)

Afroze T, Sadi A, Gu S, Heximer S, Husain M: c-Myb-dependent IP3R1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation 2005; 112 (17): II-298. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze, Sadi)
Kolodziejska KM, Nagy A, Frampton J, Husain M: Role of the c-Myb transcription factor in smooth muscle cell differentiation in embryoid bodies derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. Circulation 2005; 112 (17): II-23. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska)
Petrovici R, Husain M, Lee DS, Iwanochko RM: Diagnostic performance of exercise-induced st-segment changes identifying myocardial ischemia on SPECT diminishes with increasing exercise duration. Circulation 2005; 112 (17): II-450 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici, Lee)
Choi J, Chiang A, Husain M: Direct binding of calmodulin to cyclin-E mediates calcium-sensitive G1/S transition of vascular smooth muscle cell. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 156C (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi, Chiang)
Sadi A, Kabir MG, Momen MA, Trivieri MG, Afroze T, Gros R, Backx P, Husain M: Cardiomyocyte-specific conditional over-expression of Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4-C-I improves cardiac function and increases blood pressure. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 46C (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Sadi, Kabir, Momen, Afroze, Gros)
Momen MA, Khoshbin A, Sadi A, Afroze T, Heximer SP, Husain M: Mechanisms of altered Ca2+ dynamics in aortic smooth muscle cells from mice deficient in Regulator of G-protein Signaling 2 (RGS2). Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 46C (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Momen, Khoshbin, Sadi, Afroze)
Zaidi SHE, Riazi AM, Kabir MG, Rong M, Hui CC, Husain M: Role of growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF5) following myocardial infarction. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 87C (Collaborator, Supervisor of Kabir)
Handa S, Sadi A, Cybulsky MI, Stewart DJ, Husain M: Limited regional and temporal differences in vascular smooth muscle cell-specific gene expression during early atherosclerosis of the mouse aorta. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21, 116C (Winner of Canadian Hypertension Society M.Sc. Student Prize - Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Handa, Sadi)
Afroze T, Sadi A, Husain M: c-Myb-dependent IP3R1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 74C (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Afroze, Sadi)
Tata N, Martino T, Vanderlaan R, Dawood F, Khaper N, Liu PP, Husain M, Backx PH, Sole MJ: Chronotherapy: diurnal efficacy of captopril. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 43C (Collaborator)
Husain M, Petrovici R, Lee DS, Iwanochko RM: Thallium-201 infusion SPECT, in conjunction with rest and 24h redistribution Tl-201, may distinguish between preponderance of stress-induced ischemia or hibernating myocardium in dysfunctional segments. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21: 139C (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici, Lee)
Sadi AM, Kabir MG, Momen MA, Afroze T, Ammar H, Gros R, Husain M: Cardiomyocyte expression levels of plasma membrane Ca 2+ ATPase 4-C-1 regulate cardiac mass and performance in mice. FASEB J 19(5) A1354; 2005 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Sadi, Kabir, Momen, Afroze, Ammar, Gros)
Moudgil R, Bonnet S, Wu XC, Dyck JR, Husain M, Michelakis ED, Archer SL: Isolation, identification, and characterization of a new potassium channel. Circulation 2004; 110 (7): S-III, 82 (Collaborator)
Merklinger SL, Wagner RA, Knutsen RH, Kabir MG, Desai K, Hacker S, Cann GM, Ambartsumian N, Lukanidin E, Husain M, Mecham RP, Yanagisawa H, Rabinovitch M: Fibulin-5 may protect against pulmonary vascular obliterative disease in mice over-expressing Mts1 (S100A4).  Circulation 2004; 110 (7): S-III, 82 (Collaborator, Supervisor of Kabir)
Costantini DL, Agarwal P, Zhu Y, Zhu W, Lebel M, Chan TY, Kabir MG, Wylie JN, Cheng CW, Cheng SH, Husain M, Gross GJ, Hui CC, Backx PH, Bruneau BG: The mouse cardiac ventricular repolarization gradient is established by the homeodomain transcription factor Irx5. Circulation 2004; 110 (7): S-III, 443 (Collaborator, Supervisor of Chan & Kabir)
Petrovici R, Iwanochko RM, Husain M: Follow-up of patients with reversible myocardial perfusion defects and hemodynamically non-significant lesions on coronary angiography. J Nucl Cardiol 2004; 11 (4): S13 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici
Petrovici R, Husain M, Lee DS, Nanthakumar K, Iwanochko RM: Exercise electrocardiography is a poor predictor of thallium-201 SPECT-defined myocardial ischemia following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J Nucl Cardiol 2004; 11(4): S12-3 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici, Lee, Nanthakumar)
Petrovici R, Iwanochko RM, Lee DS, Emmett L, Husain M: Electrocardiographic prediction of the severity of posterior wall perfusion defects on rest 99m Tc-sestamibi myocardial perfusion imaging. J Nucl Cardiol 2004;11 (4):S35. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Petrovici, Lee, Emmett)
Tata N, Martino T, Ralph M, Arab S, Belsham D, Cukerman E, Straume M, Dawood F, Liu P, Backx P, Husain M, Sole M. Remodeling in the vasculature: Diurnal gene expression in normal vs. diseased murine aorta. Can J Cardiol 2004; 20 (12) (Collaborator)
Toporsian M, Gros R, Vera S, Govindaraju K, Kabir MG, Eidelman D, Husain M & Letarte M: Endoglin modulates coupling of eNOS activity and vascular myogenic reactivity. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1, 198
Choi J, Pirani A, Husain M: Calmodulin and p27kip1 may participate in mediating Ca2+-sensitive cell cycle progression of vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3), S1. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi, Pirani)
Choi J, Pirani A, Gros R, Shiff D, Husain M: CyclinE/Cdk2 mediates Ca2+-sensitive G1/S transitions in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Choi, Pirani, Gros, Shiff)
Arab S, Kabir MG, Gros R, Liu P, Husain M: Gene expression profiling in a mouse model of neointima formation. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1, 123. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kabir, Gros)
Momen A, Ravi B, Gros R, Kabir MG, Pirani A, Conklin B, Husain M: Conditional over-expression of a specifically designed Gi-coupled receptor in arterial smooth muscle cells of transgenic mice. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1, 53. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Momen, Ravi, Gros, Kabir, Pirani)
Kolodziejska-Baginska K, Yang LL, Nagy A, Husain M: Transcriptional analysis of vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in embryoid bodies. Cardiovasc Pathol 2004: 13: (3) S1, 160. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska-Baginska, Yang)
Handa S, Mungrue IN, Stewart DJ, Husain M: Conditional over-expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the mouse vasculature accelerates atherosclerotic lesion formation Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1, 36. (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Handa, Mungrue)
Yang G, Afroze T, Husain M: Tissue-specific expression of mouse PMCA4 splice-variants and their regulation in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovascular Pathol 2004; 13: (3) S1, 130-131 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Yang, Afroze)
Tata N, Martino T, Ralph M, Arab S, Belsham D, Cukerman E, Tsui P, Straume M, Dawood F, Liu P, Backx P, Husain M, Sole M. Day/Night molecular rhythms in normal and diseased murine aorta. J Cardiac Failure 2004; 10 (4): S38 (Collaborator)
Tata N, Martino T, Ralph M, Arab S, Belsham D, Cuckerman E, Tsui P, Straume M, Dawood F, Liu P, Backx P, Husain M, Sole M. Circadian gene expression patterns in normal and diseased murine aorta. Exp Clin Cardiol 2004;9(1):84 (Collaborator)
Choi J, Gros R, Shiff D, Husain M: Ca2+-sensitive cyclinE/cdk2 activity is increased at the G1/S cell cycle transition in vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation 2003; 108: (17) S-IV, 192. (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of all other authors)
Lee DS, Petrovici RL, Nanthakumar K, Iwanochko RM, Husain M: Duke treadmill score is a better predictor of ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging than ST-segment deviation following coronary artery bypass surgery. Circulation 2003; 108: (17) (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Lee, Petrovici, Nanthakumar)
Merklinger SL, Cann G, Kabir MG, Wagner R, Husain M, Rabinovitch M: Mts-1 (S100A4) over-expressing mice develop severe pulmonary hypertension in chronic hypoxia and fail to reverse disease following return to normoxia.  Circulation 2003; 108: (17) (Collaborator, Supervisor of Kabir)
Kolodziejska KM, Yang LL, Nagy A, Husain M: Characterization of vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells Can J Cardiol 2003; 19: S-A, 238A, 782 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kolodziejska-Baginska, Yang)
Choi J, Gros R, Shiff D, Husain M: Identification of Ca2+-sensitive mediators of the G1/S cell cycle transition in vascular smooth muscle cells. Can J Cardiol 2003; 19: S-A 199A, 647 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of all other authors)
Lee DS, Petrovici RL, Nanthakumar K, Iwanochko RM, Husain M: Duke treadmill score is a better predictor of ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging than ST-segment deviation following coronary artery bypass surgery Can J Cardiol 2003; 19: S-A, 793 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Lee, Petrovici, Nanthakumar)
Gattas DJ, Kabir G, Parker TG, Husain M, Sibbald WJ; Echocardiography and invasive pressure monitoring in vivo can demonstrate adaptive changes in myocardial function in a mouse model of sepsis. Am Thor Society – ATS 2003 Seattle, WA (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Gattas, Kabir)
El-Moselhi AB, Yang LL, Gros R, Kabir MG, Proteau G, Stewart DJ, Husain M: Conditional over-expression of human endothelin-1 in arterial SMC of mice causes transient hypertension. FASEB J. 2003 17(4) A535 (Co-Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Moselhi, Yang, Kabir)
Sadi AM. Kabir MG, Chan T, Gros R, Husain M; Rapid remodeling of arteries in L-NAME-induced hypertension in mice. FASEB J. 2003 17(4) A271 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Sadi, Kabir, Chan, Gros)
Kabir MG, Chan T, Pirani A, Sadi AM, Mungrue IN, Gros R, Husain M; The superoxide scavenger Tempol reduces myocardial infarct size and mortality in mice. FASEB J. 2003 17(5) A881 (Senior Responsible Author, Supervisor of Kabir, Chan, Pirani, Sadi, Mungrue, Gros)
Yang L, Gros R, Kabir G, Gotlieb AI, Husain M, Stewart DJ; Conditional cardiac over-expression of endothelin-1 in transgenic mice causes a fatal inflammatory cardiomyopathy.  Circulation 2002; 106 (19): II-160 Winner of a Trainee Award (Co-Senior Author, Supervisor of Yang, Gros, Kabir)
Gros R, You X, Van Wert R, Afroze T, Hoque E, Husain M. Overexpression of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase in arterial smooth muscle cells of transgenic mice increases blood pressure.  Circulation 2002; 106 (19): II-432 (Senior Author, Supervisor of Gros, You, Van Wert, Afroze, Hoque)
Mungrue IN, Gros R, You X, Husain M & Stewart DJ. Impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in mice with arterial myocyte over-expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is reversed with L-arginine and tetrahydrobiopterin.  Circulation 2002; 106 (19): II-212 (Co-Senior Author, Supervisor of Mungrue, Gros, You)
Micevski V., Lee DS., Dzavik V., Husain M., Iwanochko RM. Gender-bias in the referral patterns for coronary angiography following myocardial perfusion imaging. Can J Cardiol 2002, 18 (Suppl B), 183B (Co-Author, Supervisor of Lee)
Gattas DJ, Tsoporis JN, Yu P, Parker TG, Husain M, Sibbald WJ. The role of re-expressed fetal genes and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the myocardial response to sepsis. Am Thor Society - ATS 2002 Atlanta. May 2002. (Co-Senior Responsible Author & Supervisor of Gattas)
Micevski V, Lee DS, Dzavik V, Husain M, Iwanochko RM.  Gender-bias in referral patterns for cardiac catheterization following myocardial perfusion imaging. Eur J Nucl Med & Mol Imaging, 2002; 29: S98. (Co-Author, Supervisor of Lee)

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Last updated: 10/28/07.