First day of classes

Well, o start with, I didn't need to buy any boos. I had everything covered from the holidays and their various plans. All textbooks had already been obtained, all writing pads and files were on deck & I was ready to be off to school. On reaching, the most annoying minute but very essential component was missing. i didn't have a pen. Thank God for the dude who had a spare pen.

First day of class was not as I expected. I was nervous the night before, slept do very late because I was anxious trying to anticipate the outcome of the following day. But on reaching, everything went nice. I met people I haven't seen in like a while and got to know my profs. Thank goodness I don't have Kastos.

One shortcoming though, on my first day of classes, i missed half of the classes I was supposed to go for. How is the semester going to turn out? Watch out for the sequel.

p.s: I always say sequel sequsl & watch out but I have never made any of those posts into a sequel. So don't expect.


At the very end of every vibration phase―which I would like to call "vibra-phase"―lies a pitch that transcends the tone of the previous one; therein lies the energy needed for the next phase. It is very short-lived and most people fail to augment it so work for them.

Inspired from a spring protection from a door in my room.