Address of Thanks from the City of Gloucester, April 1687

A printed version of the text can be found on pages 398 and 399 of English Historical Documents, 1660-1714, edited by Andrew Browning (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953).

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,

The humble address of the mayor, several of the aldermen, common council-men, gentlemen and burgesses, whose names are subscribed hereto, in behalf of themselves and several hundreds of the freemen of Your Majesty's ancient city of Gloucester.

May it please Your Majesty,

We, Your Majesty's most loyal and obedient subjects, considering your passage to the royal throne has been through many unparalleled difficulties both by sea and land, we cannot but conclude the Almighty has preserved you for His own honour and glory, and to us the best of kings and the best of governments. And being convinced of what Your Majesty observes, that since it has not been in the power of human policies to reunite us in one judgment in matters of religion, Your Majesty hath taken the wisest and most Christian expedient to supply that by publishing your declaration for liberty of conscience, whereby you have put an end to the groans and lamentations of many thousands of our innocent and industrious fellow subjects, strengthened the foundations of your monarchy, and given new life and vigour to your people and trade. And this, Great Sir, next to God's providence, we own proceeds from your royal wisdom and goodness, in assuming that undoubted and necessary power of dispensing with penal statutes about religion which we assert to be an inherent prerogative of your imperial crown.

At present, dread sovereign, the most effectual evidence we can give of our thankfulness for this blessing is to acknowledge our great joy and satisfaction to see all your people quiet at their devotions and comfortable in their several trades and employments. And we do assure you, whenever there shall be occasion to elect members of Parliament for this your city, we will endeavour to send you such as shall not only confirm by their votes the whole scope of your royal declaration, but comply with whatever else may tend to the honour of God, the peace and safety of your royal person and government, and the prosperity of your people.

And we shall always pray for Your Majesty's long life and happy reign over us.

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