Answer of the Prince of Orange to the King's Commissioners, December 9, 1688

A printed version of the text can be found on page 441 of State Tracts (London: Richard Baldwin, 1692; reprinted Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, 1973).

We with the advise of the Lords and gentlemen assembled with us, have in answer made these following proposals:

I. That all papists, and such persons as are not qualified by law, be disarmed, disbanded, and removed from all employments civil and military.

II. That all proclamations that reflect upon us, or at any that have come to us, or declared for us, be recalled; and that if any persons for having assisted us, have been committed, that they be forthwith set at liberty.

III. That for the security and safety of the City of London, the custody and government of the Tower be immediately put into the hands of the said City.

IV. That if His Majesty should think fit to be in London during the sitting of the parliament, that we may be there also with an equal number of our guards; and if His Majesty shall be pleased to be in any place from London whatever distance he thinks fit, that we may be the same distance, and that the respective armies be from London forty miles, and that no further forces be brought into the kingdom.

And that for the security of the City of London and their trade, Tilbury Fort be put into the hands of the said City.

That a sufficient part of the public revenue be assigned us for the support and maintenance of our troops until the sitting of a free parliament.

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