A Jacobite Gazetteer - Bologna

Palazzo Fantuzzi

Palazzo Fantuzzi facade

This palace is located at Via San Vitale 23. It has been described as "the most singular and anticonformist of the great patrician residences of the Renaissance in Bologna". 1 Until the end of the eighteenth century the palace was the residence of the Fantuzzi family.

King James III and VIII and his family used the palace as their Bolognese residence on several occasions in the late 1720's. 2 James lived here until January 1729; his sons stayed until April 1729; his wife Clementina stayed until May 1729. 3

Palazzo Fantuzzi staircase
Grand staircase
Palazzo Fantuzzi courtyard


1 Giancarlo Roversi, Palazzi e Case Nobili del '500 a Bologna: La Storia, le Famiglie, le Opere d'Arte (Bologna: Grafis, 1986), 83: "la più singolare e anticonformista fra le grandi residenze patrizie della Rinascenza a Bologna".

2 They were certainly here in 1729. Cf. Roversi, 95; Maurizio Ascari, James III in Bologna: An Illustrated Story. Royal Stuart Papers. (London: Royal Stuart Society, 2001), 31-32.

3 Frank McLynn, Charles Edward Stuart: A Tragedy in Many Acts (London: Routledge, 1988), 28-30.

Image 1 (Facade): © Noel S. McFerran 2004.

Image 2 (Staircase): Giancarlo Roversi, Palazzi e Case Nobili del '1500 a Bologna: La Storia, le Famiglie, le Opere d'Arte (Bologna: Grafis, 1986), 90.

Image 3 (Courtyard): Roversi, 97.

This page is maintained by Noel S. McFerran (noel.mcferran@rogers.com) and was last updated March 21, 2006.
© Noel S. McFerran 2000-2006.