A Jacobite Gazetteer - Bologna

Basilica and Convento di San Domenico

San Domenico facade

This church and the attached monastery is located in the southern part of the city in the Piazza San Domenico.

On December 10, 1726, King James III and VIII assisted at the celebrations in the church of the "Festa del Voto" (Feast of the Votive Offering). James was accompanied by his elder son, the Prince of Wales (later King Charles III).1

According to Alice Shield, Henry, Cardinal Duke of York (later King Henry IX and I) often stayed in the monastery.2 In an entry for August 27, 1790, the Bolognese diarist Domenico Maria d'Andrea Galeati records that Henry had been at Bologna several days residing at San Domenico, and that that day he went to say a requiem mass at the church of San Biagio where his niece the Duchess of Albany was buried.3


1 Alfonso d'Amato, I Domenicani a Bologna (Bologna: Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 1988), II, 780.

2 Alice Shield, Henry Stuart, Cardinal of York, and His Times (London: Longmans, Green, 1908), 149.

3 Bologna, Biblioteca Communale del Archginassio, Ms. B. 91, Domenico Maria Galeati, Diario e memorie varie di Bologna, 1788-1796, page 28.
"A di 27 lunedi
Erano alquanni giorni, che era venuto a Bola il Card. duca di Yorck, e prese alloggio nel Convento di S. Domco et il gño sudo ando a celebrare la messa da morto a S. Biagio ov'era sepolta la sua nipote."
The Duchess of Albany died November 17, 1789.

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