Part-time Undergraduate Students
Put U of T on the Heater
Vote for


Eduction is a right * Student Housing
Fully Accessible Campus * Healthy Campus

MARCH 10-14, 2003 vote online
For Governing Council 2003-2004



A Short List of My Involvements:


Working toward a barrier-free University of Toronto - Currently the treasurer of the Students for Barrier Free Access at U of T

Knowledgeable and Involved in the issues – Active at the Association for Part-Time Undergraduate (APUS)! Attending Governing Council meetings!

Working toward Equity: Board of directors; Lesbian, Gay, Bi Youth Line from 1995 – 2002, Co chair in 2002, Internal coordinator 1996

Environmentally friendly U of T: Member of Prolific Potters Project and Equity Gardeners 2002-2003

Housing: Active member in the call for housing including the Allan Gardens Project since 2000 - Students & Community working on housing for all!

Standing up for the rights of Youth!: Involved with Erin Oak Youth Advisory Committee from 1990 – 1995




Vote for greater access to all!


Eduction is a right:
Active member of the coalition on Free Education with APUS, GSU, SAC, OPIRG, CUPE 3902, ASSU –February 2003. Free education is a possibility - see

We need a fully accessible campus:
Make every building accessible! Did you know that the admissions and awards building is not wheelchair accessible? And this is only one building out of a shamefully long list of 51. This is a symptom of the systemic barrier created both physically and attitudinally by the administration towards people who are challenged.

Student Housing:
Students do well academically in proper and affordable housing. I’d call for more student housing including families and individual part-time students.

Anti-corporate Campus:
Invest in the university community, not in big business! Put U of T’s Divestment Policy into practice!

Feed the Body to Feed the Mind:
Access healthy food for students. In order to study properly students need a proper meal, regardless of finances. * Community Kitchen * Organic Gardening * Greater access to U of T food bank.