- Challenges for prosthodontic
materials -- University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry DEN 1052
Biomaterials graduate course. Toronto, Canada. 4 April 2008
- Evidence Based Prosthodontics --
Deans Seminar. University of Florida,. Gainesville, Florida, USA. 14 Feb
- Integrating Evidence Based Medicine in
Prosthodontic Practice. -- International College of Prosthodontists
Biennial Meeting. Fukuoka, Japan, 14 Sep 2007
- Treatment planning for the lost permanent
incisor(s) in adolescents. -- Hospital for Sick Kids, Annual Update in
Dentistry. Toronto. Canada. 12 Feb 2007
- Using EBM as a basis for Prosthodontic
Treatment Planning. -- Quintessence Publishing Clinical Prosthodontics
Workshop. Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Oct 2006
- New materials in prosthodontics --
Toronto Academy of Dentistry 68th Annual Winter Clinic. Toronto, Canada. 4 Nov
- Integrating EBM in prosthodontic practice
. -- European Prosthodontic Association Annual Meeting. Poznan, Poland. 3
Sep 2005
- New materials and procedures in
prosthodontics -- Turkish Dental Association Annual Meeting. Istanbul,
Turkey. 24 Jun 2005
- Prognose og protetikk (Prognosis in
prosthodontics. ) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate
course. Oslo, Norway. 24 May 2005
- Helproteser - vanligste problem (Dentures
- common problems) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate
course for Dental Hygienists. Oslo, Norway. 10 Apr 2005
- Avtrykk - problem og løsninger
(Impressions - problems and solutions) -- University of Oslo Faculty of
Dentistry Postgraduate course for Dental Hygienists. Oslo, Norway. 10 Apr 2005
- Research and education in
prosthodontics -- University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Toronto
Canada. 30 Mar 2005
- Forskningsaktiviteten ved avdeling for
protetikk og bittfunksjon i Oslo. (The Research activities in the
prosthodontics department in Oslo. ) -- University of Oslo Faculty of
Dentistry Postgraduate course on Research. Oslo, Norway. 20 Mar 2005
- Evidensbaseret protetikterapi. (Evidence
based prosthetic therapy). -- Danish Dental Association. Annual meeting.
Sesjon: Hvornår er det fornuftig at inføre nye behandlinger?
Copenhagen, Denmark. 12 Mar 2005
- Brannslukking i protetikk (Emergency
solutions in prosthodontics) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry
Postgraduate course for Dental Hygienists. Oslo, Norway. 15 Jan 2005
- Samarbeid tannlege - tanntekniker.
(Cooperation between dental technician and the dentist). --- Norwegian
Dental Technicians Association Annual meeting. Lillestrøm, Norway. 6 Oct
- Luting agents - Can we identify the best
luting cement from clinical studies? -- FDI -Federation Dentaire
Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. New Delhi, India. 5 Sep 2004
- The evidence for Ceramo-metal and/or all
ceramic crowns. -- Westmead Hospital. Symposium on Evidence based
prosthodontics - an international perspective. Sydney, Australia. 23 Aug
- Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder.
(Prosthodontics, new materials and methods -- Østfold Dental
Society. Moss, Norway. 24 Mar 2004
- New materials and treatments in
prosthodontics. -- Lebanese Dental Association 13th Annual Conference.
Beirut, Lebanon. 28 Aug 2003
- Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder.
(Prosthodontics, new materials and methods -- Sunmøre Dental
Society. Ålesund, Norway. 4 Apr 2003
- Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder.
(Prosthodontics, new materials and methods -- Norwegian Dental Association,
Annual meeting. Oslo, Norway. 10 Oct 2002
- Removable prosthodontics, low cost but
high benefits? -- Indian Prosthodontic Society Annual Conference,
Hyderabad, India. 24 Nov 2001
- Scientific Evidence of Research in Oral
Prosthetics -- Indian Prosthodontic Society Annual Conference, Hyderabad,
India. 23 Nov 2001
- Evidence-based Prosthodontics. 2 Day
course -- Indian Prosthodontic Society Pre-Conference course. Hyderabad,
India. 21 Nov 2001
- Prognose i protetikk (Prognosis in
prsthodontics) 2 Day Course-- Odontologiska Samfundet. Svartå,
Finland. 15 Sep 2001
- Is there such thing as correct therapy in
prosthodontics? -- College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, India. 13 Mar
- Fixed versus removable prosthodontics:
higher costs, but higher benefits? -- Swiss Society for Prosthetic
Dentistry Annual Meeting. Lucerne, Switzerland. 13 Oct 2000
- Er der en rigtig behandling? (Is there
such thing as a correct treatment?) -- Danish Dental Association Annual
meeting. Copenhagen, Denmark. 24 Mar 2000
- God protetikk når pengene ikke
strekker til. (Good prosthodontics when the finances are inadequate) --
Vest Agder Dental Society. Kristiansand, Norway, 11 Nov 1999
- Anteriora entandsluckan- olika protetiske
lösningar. En evidens-basert tilnærming. (The anterior space and
different prosthodontic solutions- an evidence based approach) -- Swedish
Dental Association Annual meeting. Gøteborg, Sweden. 8 Oct
- God protetik när pengarna inte
räcker till. Kostnadsaspekter på kort och lång sikt (Good
prosthodontics when the finances are inadequate. Cost aspects in the short and
in the long run) -- Swedish Dental Association Annual meeting. Stockholm,
Sweden. 13 Nov 1998
- Standard helprotesefremstilling (Routine
procedures for fabricating dentures) -- University of Oslo Faculty of
Dentistry Clinical Demonstrator course. Oslo, Norway. 25 Aug 1998
- 25 year follow-up of fixed
prosthodontics -- Scandinavian Soeciety for Prosthetic Dentistry Annual
Meeting. Oslo, Norway. 20 Aug 1998
- Kompetansehevende kurs i protetikk
(Competency improvement course in prosthodontics)-- Oppland Public Dental
Health Services Course. Lillehammer, Norway. 28 Aug 1997
- Avtrykksmaterialer (Impression
materials) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate seminar.
Oslo, Norway. 27 Nov 1993
- Patentfester (Precision Attachments)
-- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway.
8 Sep 1993
- Faste protesers ytre form (Fixed
prostheses and outer form) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry
Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 26 Feb 1992
- Oral Adaptasjon til helproteser (Oral
adaptation to Dentures) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry
Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 17 Feb 1992
- Helprotesebehandling (Denture
therapy) -- University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry Postgraduate seminar.
Oslo, Norway. 11 Dec 1991
- Jokstad A. The
Evidence-Based approach to prosthodontic practice and research (Editorial).
International Journal of Prosthodontics 2007; 20: 376-77. [Medline]
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Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 2006; 72(3): 223-231.
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Hjortsjö C. A systematic review of the scientific documentation of fixed
partial dentures made from fibre reinforced polymer to replace missing teeth.
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- Jokstad A. A split mouth randomized
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era? (Editorial). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2002; 3(1): 2-4.
- Jokstad A. Metallfrie rotstifter.
(Metal Free root posts) Focus for Tannleger 2002 Oct: 5-9
- Jokstad A, Esposito M, Coulthard P,
Worthington HV. The Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials in
Prosthodontics. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2002; 15(3): 230-242.
- Jokstad A, Ørstavik J. Prognosis in
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Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 139 - 153. ISBN 87-628-0365-4.
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91757143, Stockholm, 2000
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Prosthetic Dentistry, 49 Pp. ISBN 82 - 91757089, ISSN 1104 - 8964, Stockholm,
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