Juan Rodriguez PhD, ABD, MA.
Studying Complex Systems, Health, Government Services and Education
Email address: juan.rodriguez@utoronto.ca
Office address: Dalla Lana School of Public Health, 155 College Street Toronto, ON M5T 3M7
Division/Office: Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health
Position: Research Administrative Coordinator
Appointment Status: Contract
Research Interests
"As an Indigenous person from the Muhysqas Families, I respect and honor Grand-Mothers and Grand-Fathers of the People of the Eagle in the Turtle Island."
The RELATUHEDRON: I am interested in how complex systems and adaptive/evolutive theories can provide better multilevel perspectives of the RELATIONAL condition between Indigenous Peoples, Government/Private health system services and health research. In this journey, I explore ways to develop and gain knowledge in-community and inside university education. My interest is to contribute to stop historically and current harms and to support healthier presents and futures for Indigenous peoples. In this inquiry, I apply multilevel and multiperspective methods to understand what are the main health barriers and strengths of Indigenous health services from Individual Indigenous and community perspectives in Canada and internationally. Under the Community-Based framework, my efforts build epistemology, systems values, methodologies and practices to support culturally safe and transformative health government services, health research and health research education.